The Wellbeing Leadership Team consists of the Deputy Principal Wellbeing, Head Of Student Wellbeing, Counsellors, Learning Diversity Leaders and Year 7 - 10 Year Level Leaders who meet on a fortnightly basis. Students and families are encouraged to approach the Wellbeing Leadership Team with any concerns they may have.

The structure of student support begins with every student being placed in a Homeroom. Homerooms give students a link to their peers and their Homeroom Teacher.

The Homeroom Teacher

The Homeroom Teacher is the first point of contact for communication from parents or staff about a particular student. This communication may be to share a success, a concern or essential background information about the student. The Homeroom Teacher has a pivotal role in the advocacy, connectedness and care of each student in their Homeroom group.

This smaller group within the year level provides a ‘home base’ and a daily opportunity to connect, communicate and share. Being part of a Homeroom provides a sense of belonging and supports students in forming trusting relationships and making connections with their peers, their teachers and the wider College community.

A strong wellbeing structure and comprehensive support staff and processes provide additional support for students with specific and complex wellbeing needs.

Student in Focus Team

The Student in Focus Team, meets fortnightly at each year level to discuss the progress and appropriate course of action for students at risk or students of concern.

The Student in Focus Team comprises of the:

  • Deputy Principal Wellbeing
  • Head of Student Wellbeing
  • Two Year Level Leaders (at each year level)
  • Learning Diversity Leader and Assistant
  • Counsellors

The Student in Focus Team work collaboratively with Homeroom Teachers to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for all students.

Deputy Principal Wellbeing

The Deputy Principal Wellbeing provides a pivotal role in the wellbeing structure and takes responsibility for the development, implementation and promotion of wellbeing programs and services. The Deputy Principal Wellbeing ensures that the wellbeing policies and expectations of all members of the College are upheld, resulting in a safe and supportive environment and providing the security for each student to achieve success. The Deputy Principal Wellbeing is the chair at each year level Student in Focus Team meetings.

Director of Student Wellbeing

The Head of Student Wellbeing works collaboratively with Year Level Leaders and the Deputy Principal Wellbeing. The Head of Student Wellbeing also provides a point of contact for parents in regards to significant student wellbeing issues and oversees the day to day management and logistics of students.

Year Level Leaders

Year Level Leaders promote the wellbeing of all students in their year level. This is achieved by providing support to individual students, working in partnership with parents and engaging with the teachers and support staff.

Learning Diversity Leader

The Learning Diversity Leader works with the Learning Support staff to ensure that every child at the College receives an education that is inclusive and equitable. Every student at the College has a right to access a range of engaging learning activities which meet their individual needs. The Learning Diversity Leader is committed to developing collaborative partnerships between students, teachers, families and the community to ensure students with diverse learning needs are supported from the moment they are enrolled at the College. If a student experiences difficulties with their learning at any time they will be referred to the Learning Diversity Leader who, working closely with parents, Counsellors and the Year Level Leaders, will use a variety of information and assessment tools to guide interventions for the student.

Counselling Team

The Catholic Regional College Counselling Team comprises of one full-time counsellor and two part-time psychologists. Our counselling team provide individual and time limited counselling for students during school hours. Students may self-refer or be referred by the Wellbeing Team if they are experiencing a range of difficulties, that are impacting on their ability to engage with their schooling. The counselling service at CRCCS is voluntary. At times, the student and their family might be requested to seek external support due to several reasons such as: the complexity of the student’s concerns, limited appointment availability, and student preference.

The counselling team work collaboratively with teaching staff, the Learning Diversity Team, and Wellbeing Leadership Team to optimise best outcomes for students.

Deputy Principal Wellbeing - Katie Murray-Fawcett

Head of School (Junior) - Luke Lentini
Head of School (Senior) - Matt Pitman

Year Level Leaders

Year 7 - Jamie Lee Lafferraire and Mark McGregor
Year 8 - Alexander Michaels and Wendy Smith
Year 9 - Melissa Vickery and Anthony Zammit
Year 10 - David Sammut and Bianca Conforti

Learning Diversity Leaders

Learning Diversity Leader - Anne Crockford
Learning Diversity Leader Assistant and Transition Coordinator - Cathy Palermo

Counselling Team

Counsellors - Rebecca Galicia and Eloise Galvez
Psychologists - Jess Schembri and Jasmine Warren

Community Liaison Officer

Tim Kemp