COVID Safe measures: Cases of COVID-19, flu and other winter illnesses continue to rise across Victoria, which is causing disruption for staff and students. We have implemented...
August is traditionally dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. O Immaculate Heart of Mary, full of goodness, show your love towards us. Let the flame of your heart, O...
Dear Fathers, Grandfathers and significant men of our students, You are invited to attend a thanksgiving mass and breakfast to recognise and give thanks for the gift of ‘fatherho...
Last Sunday’s Gospel of the parable of the rich man (Luke 12:13-21) explains the challenge many of us face as humans. Jesus tells us about the man who tore down his grain bins to b...
St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Caroline Springs Saturday (Vigil): 6:00pm Sunday: 9:00am, 10:30am & 12:00pm St Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, Caroline Springs We...
Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C Gospel Luke 12:32-48 Be as servants, wide awake at the return of their master.
Enrolment applications are now open to Year 5 students who will be starting Year 7 in 2024. You can download the application form from our website. Applications close Friday 19 Au...
Box of Books If you have not yet paid for your child’s 2022 digital student subscription please login to ‘Box of Books’ website to attend to immediate payment before the child’s ...
Math Support is an after-school program designed to assist students in developing their numeracy skills. These sessions are facilitated by Math teachers at the College and are an e...
Dear Parents/Carers, At Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs, we offer an array of Student Learning Support Programs to assist our students beyond the classroom. These ...
St Vinnies Winter Appeal The St Vinnies Winter Food appeal translates to - thinking about others! Some examples include: pasta/spaghetti canned vegetables tuna canned st...
Jackson House Captains: Nyankat Deng and Sarah Rigg Nyankat Deng Q1. What does servant leadership mean to you? Servant leadership to me means to live up to our college motto,...
Dear Parents/Carers, Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs is excited to offer our Italian Exchange Program for 2023 to our current Year 8 and 9 Students. The Italy Cultur...
Dear Parents/Carers, Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs is excited to be hosting Italian exchange students from our Sister School Liceo Scientifico Livio Cambi, Falconara...
What a HUGE success! Thank you to all the parents, students and staff who helped this to happen. We had 4 shows across one weekend where the students performed to full houses eac...
Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs celebrated Languages Week on Monday 18 July – Friday 22 July. All Year 8 students of Japanese were treated to some hands-on incursions i...
ABLAZE YOUTH GROUP & ALPHA PROGRAM The next Alpha Program is on Friday 5 August at CRC Hall from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. It is also when the Youth Group meets. It is open to all Year 7...
Year 9 Art students are building upon their hand building techniques by using slab pottery skills to create their own ceramic shoe. It has been interesting watching them convert ...
A simple definition of Social Justice reads, “promoting a just society by challenging injustice and valuing diversity”. However, at CRCCS our mission is much broader, as the team s...