Next Sunday 5 June is the day of Pentecost, celebrated seven weeks after the resurrection of Jesus; the Holy Spirit was poured out upon those followers of Jesus who had gathered together in Jerusalem. In Pentecost, God pours out the Spirit upon all who put their faith in Jesus Christ and become his disciples (see Romans 8:1-11).
Christians are meant to live in the presence and power of the Spirit of God. Scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit helps us to confess Jesus as Lord, empowers us to serve God with supernatural power, binds us together as the body of Christ, helps us to pray and even intercedes for us with God the Father. The Spirit guides us helping us to live like Jesus.
Pentecost presents us with an opportunity to consider how we are living each day. Are we relying on the power of God’s Spirit? Are we an open channel for the Spirit’s gifts? Are we attentive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit? Pentecost offers a chance to confess our failure to live by the Spirit and to ask the Lord to fill us afresh with his power. We pray that the Holy Spirit empowers us to truly live and enact our College motto of ‘Live Fully Act Justly’.
Staffing News:
We wish Abbigale Hoole all the best as she begins her maternity leave next week.
We thank Abbigale for her contribution to the College this year and wish her all the best for the future.
New Staff
It is with great pleasure that I welcome the following staff members to the CRCCS school community:
- David Sammut (Technologies and Religious Education teacher)
- Megan Rolls (Science teacher)
- Kirsten Spiteri (Physical Education teacher)
As always, when a new staff member begins, they bring a diverse range of knowledge, gifts, and talents to share with our school community. We wish David, Megan and Kirsten all the best as they begin their journey at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs.
National Reconciliation Week 27 May TO 3 June
The National Reconciliation Week 2022 theme, “Be Brave. Make Change.” is a challenge to all Australians— individuals, families, communities, organisations and government—to Be Brave and tackle the unfinished business of reconciliation so we can Make Change for the benefit of all Australians.
Last year Reconciliation Australia encouraged all Australians to take action; not just in National Reconciliation Week but every week of the year. We saw unprecedented response to our suggested actions for everyday and for braver action. This year we are asking everyone to make change beginning with brave actions in their daily lives – where they live, work, play and socialise.
The dates for NRW are the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.
27 May 1967 On this day, Australia’s most successful referendum saw more than 90 per cent of Australians vote to give the Australian Government power to make laws for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and recognise them in the Census.
3 June 1992 On this day, the Australian High Court delivered the Mabo decision, the culmination of Eddie Koiki Mabo’s challenge to the legal fiction of ‘terra nullius’ (land belonging to no one) and leading to the legal recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Owners and Custodians of lands. This decision paved the way for Native Title.
Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. National Reconciliation Week—is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Find out more about National Reconciliation Week
Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday
Please note that Monday 13 June is the Queen’s Birthday public holiday. Students will return to school on Tuesday 14 June. Please place this return to school date in your calendars.