Principal's Report

By Lucy Swan Acting Principal

Gratitude for Your Partnership: Student Parent Teacher Interviews

At the beginning of this term, we had the pleasure of connecting with many of you during our Student Parent Teacher interviews. Your active involvement and attendance at these meetings are invaluable to us. These interactions provide a vital platform for open communication, allowing us to discuss your child's progress, set goals for the future, and strengthen the partnership between home and school.

The value of your engagement in your child's education cannot be overstated. Together, we form a dynamic team dedicated to nurturing the potential of every student.

As we progress through this term, we anticipate more moments of shared success and celebration. Your continued support is the cornerstone of our school community, and we are grateful for the trust you place in us.

Thank you for being an essential part of the Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs family.

Embracing Excitement in the Final Term

Over the next few weeks, your child will have the opportunity to engage in exciting projects and activities as part of this initiative. We believe this will not only enhance their academic knowledge but also instil a love for learning that goes beyond the classroom.

As we gear up for the end of the school year, we have an array of exciting activities planned for our students. The Japan Cultural Immersion Tour promises to be a transformative experience, allowing our students to explore and appreciate the rich culture of Japan. Additionally, the Year 9 camp will provide an excellent opportunity for personal growth and team building.

Embarking on a Cultural Adventure: Japan Cultural Immersion Tour

Our students are set to partake in a once-in-a-lifetime experience as they explore the wonders of Japan. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the serene landscapes of Kyoto, the vibrant city of Osaka, and the poignant historical sites in Hiroshima, our students will encounter the richness and diversity of Japanese culture. We are particularly excited about the homestay experience in Okayama, where our students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the daily life and traditions of Japanese families.

This journey promises not only to broaden their horizons but also to create lasting memories and friendships. We look forward to hearing their stories and experiences upon their return.

Supporting Student Success: A Reminder of Available Resources

In our commitment to student success, we want to remind parents of the various support services available to students:

  • Maths Support: Tuesday and Thursday 3:05 – 4:00pm
  • English Support: Wednesday 3:05 – 4:00pm
  • Refugee and EAL Support: Wednesday 3:05 – 4:00pm
  • Assessment Re-sit: Tuesday and Thursday 3:05 – 4:15pm
  • Homework Support: Monday to Thursday 3:05 – 4:00pm

These sessions are designed to provide additional assistance and ensure that every student has the resources they need to excel academically.

Important Dates: Mark Your Calendars

  • Professional Practice Day (School Closure): Monday 6 November
  • Melbourne Cup Public Holiday: Tuesday 7 November

Please be aware that the school will be closed on Monday 6 November to facilitate professional development for our staff.

Building for the Future: New Building Project Progress Update

On the home front, we are delighted to inform you that our new building project is well underway. The demolition of the site has progressed smoothly, laying the foundation for a state-of-the-art facility that will further enhance the learning environment for our students. We appreciate your patience and support as we work towards creating a space that fosters innovation, collaboration, and academic excellence.

World Teachers’ Day

On 27 October we will celebrate World Teachers Day. We would like to take a moment to appreciate the incredible team of teachers and support staff who have been supporting, guiding, and inspiring our students throughout the year. Our staff bring a wealth of experience, passion, and dedication to the classroom and day to day interactions, ensuring that every child receives the support they need to thrive academically and personally. Happy World Teachers Day!

Five minutes with staff

In this edition of our Newsletter, we introduce what will be a regular feature. An article that profiles staff in our school. It’s our way of helping you get to know something about the staff at our College. In this Newsletter we introduce Lucy Swan and David Sammut.

Celebrating Community and Partnership

We are delighted to share the success of our recent Community and Partnership Day, especially tailored for our new families of 2024.

Our Community and Partnership Day took place on Saturday 7 October. It was an exceptional occasion filled with warmth, laughter, and the spirit of unity. It was heartening to witness new families becoming an integral part of our close-knit community. The day was crafted to foster connections and provide a welcoming atmosphere for parents, students, and educators alike.

Some highlights of the day included:

A warm welcome: Our school community came together to extend a heartfelt welcome to our new families. From the moment they stepped through our doors, there was a palpable sense of belonging.

Interactive Sessions: Informative sessions were held to acquaint parents/carers with the school's ethos, curriculum, and extracurricular activities. This served as a valuable opportunity for parents to gain insights into the educational journey their children are about to embark on.

Student-Led Tours: Our enthusiastic student leaders took the lead in guiding new families through the school premises. This allowed them to showcase their school pride and share personal anecdotes about their experiences.

Q&A Session: A dedicated Q&A session provided a platform for parents/carers to address any queries or concerns they might have had. This open dialogue is crucial in establishing transparent communication between the school and our valued parents/carers.

Celebrating Success Together:

The success of our Community and Partnership Day is a testament to the strength of school community. The active participation, curiosity, and eagerness to engage in this event played a pivotal role in making it a memorable occasion.

We encourage you to stay connected, attend upcoming school activities, and continue fostering the spirit of our community.

Once again, thank you for your continued support. Together, we create an environment where each student can thrive, and each family feels valued.

Warm regards,

Lucy Swan
Acting Principal

Prayer for Peace

By Paul Sammut Faith and Mission

Gracious God, we pray for all persons suffering from war.

May they be held in your loving care and protection and given the strength to endure great suffering and hardship. Transform the hearts and minds of all those who perpetuate violence and oppression. Grant wisdom to world leaders in advancing efforts toward world peace; may they not be compromised by self-interest and blind indifference. We ask all this through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima and in the name of your Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.


Arts Technology Week

By Matilda Mattar Learning Area Leader - Technology

During the week of 16-20 October, Arts and Technology Week was a hub of creativity and excitement. Students showcased their skills and passions through various engaging activities. Aspiring chefs competed in a one-pan cooking contest, while others explored laser cutting to make personalised keychains that expressed their creativity.

Drama and dance workshops let students express themselves, and photography and art competitions sparked friendly competition, inspiring students to push their creative limits. The week also featured a lunchtime music concert filled with beautiful melodies. These events not only showcased students' diverse talents but also recognised their hard work and dedication. Homerooms learnt about the various Patron saints of art, woodwork, fashion, food and more. The daily quizzes were also enjoyed, creating a buzz within the homeroom, as they tried to make sure that they picked the correct answer.

Overall, the school community came together to admire the displays, while appreciating the effort and creativity put into each piece. It was a vibrant week!

Thank you to all involved for making it a great week!

Materials Technology

By David Sammut Materials Technology Teacher

Materials Tech provides a unique opportunity for our students to explore uncharted territories, delving into a domain that may be entirely foreign to them. It's a realm where they combine both mental and physical skills to transform their imaginative ideas into tangible, handcrafted creations—a craft that often seems forgotten in this era of instant gratification.

During Terms 3 and 4, our Year 8 Materials Tech students have been engaged in two intriguing assessments. First, they've ventured into the world of timber, utilising hand tools to design and fabricate chopping/serving boards. These boards will not only serve guests for years to come but also become a cherished addition to their kitchens, a place to artfully prepare ingredients. Working with tools for the first time presents a multitude of challenges, yet each student has risen to the occasion during the design process, producing fully realized products they can take immense pride in.

In the second task, students have delved into the world of advanced manufacturing. They've had the chance to experiment with industry-standard software and hardware, crafting keychains or earrings that may adorn their bags or ears, or those of their loved ones. Using Adobe Illustrator, a software frequently employed by design firms in the real world, and our state-of-the-art laser cutter, a machine employed for fabrication and rapid prototyping, students have unlocked their creativity and honed their technical skills.

We are genuinely proud of the remarkable creations our students have crafted in these diverse projects. Our gratitude extends to Catherine Mackay, whose invaluable support played a crucial role in elevating our students to this level of accomplishment.

Maths Week

Mathematics is not just a subject but a key element in our daily lives. To promote the joy of learning and understanding the significance of mathematics, from 9-12 October staff and students celebrated Math Week.

Each day there was a different lunchtime activity, which saw students involved in The Amazing Race, Kahoot, math songs, and games to make Math Week enjoyable. Teams of students, armed with math problems and clues, navigate through a series of challenges that require mathematical problem-solving. This approach not only encourages teamwork but also demonstrates the practical applications of math in everyday situations.

Celebrating Math Week in this way helps students realise that math isn't just about numbers; it's about solving real-world problems, fostering critical thinking, and, most importantly, having a great time doing it.

Carry A Can

By Ms Matilda Mattar Learning Leader: Social Justice and Service

The CatholicCare Carry a Can initiative, organised by the CRCCS’ social justice group, on the 12 October, exemplifies the true spirit of community and generosity. Instead of the usual gold coin donation on casual clothes day, students were encouraged to contribute a can of food, forming a collective effort to make a meaningful difference. The response from the community was heart-warming, with an outpouring of donations that went far beyond expectations, filling boxes to the brim with essential goods. These items, donated by thoughtful students and community members, will be distributed to families in need, ensuring that they have enough during the Christmas festive season.

This initiative not only showcases the power of unity but also highlights the importance of empathy and solidarity, making Christmas a special and joyous occasion for families who might otherwise struggle. Through acts of kindness like these, the community demonstrates the remarkable impact that small gestures of compassion can have on the lives of others.

The Rosary: A Powerful Weapon for Troubled Times

By Paul Sammut Faith and Mission

October is upon us, and it brings with it a cherished tradition, a month dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. It is a time when we reflect on the significance of this beautiful devotion and how it can be a powerful weapon in times of trouble. Our world, marred by conflicts such as those in Israel and Palestine, Russia and Ukraine, is longing for peace and unity.

The rosary, often called a "spiritual weapon," is a profound and timeless prayer that brings us closer to the divine. It is a meditative journey through the life of Jesus and the loving intercession of Our Blessed Mother. In times of adversity and uncertainty, it becomes a powerful source of comfort and strength.

The connection between the rosary and peace is exemplified in the message of Our Lady of Fatima. In 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal, with an urgent plea: "Pray the rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and the end of the war."

Today, as we witness conflicts and tensions across the globe, it is more important than ever to heed Our Lady's message. We must remember the words of St. Padre Pio who said, "The rosary is the 'weapon' for these times."

In our own community, students, alongside the LIHM sisters, have been learning about the Marian devotion and have dedicated Wednesdays during lunchtime to learn and pray a decade of the rosary together.

This October, let us take Our Lady of the Rosary's message to heart and embrace the rosary as a means to bring about peace, both in our hearts and across the globe.

Northern Star States Chess tournament

By Natalie Hamill Librarian

On Monday, 10 October, ten students from various year levels represented our school in the Northern Star States Chess tournament which was held in Pascoe Vale. These students had qualified for State level chess because of their excellent results in a previous tournament.

A total of three hundred students from 47 Victorian schools participated in this tournament, with each student competing in eight games of chess. Our students performed extremely well and should be very proud of their efforts.

Our top performers on the day were Ivan Kolceg and Harrison Payne.

Congratulations to:

Bavly Sedrak
Harrison Payne
Ivan Kolceg
Ethan Tu
Gabriel Lazarevski
Yacoub Al Was Eshaq
Naisos Mantzaris
Nadhir Kakki
John Habash
Alexander Brown

Celebrating St Francis of Assisi

By Ms Matilda Mattar Learning Leader: Social Justice and Service

St. Francis of Assisi, born in Italy in the 12th century, is remembered as a remarkable figure of kindness, humility, and love for all living beings. He dedicated his life to serving others and showed immense compassion to the poor, the sick, and even animals. St. Francis believed in the beauty of simplicity, embracing a life of poverty and advocating for a deep connection with nature. His extraordinary ability to communicate with animals, including taming wolves, highlighted his profound respect for all creatures. He is also known for creating the first nativity scene, emphasising the importance of the humble beginnings of Jesus. St. Francis' legacy continues to inspire people worldwide, teaching the timeless values of love, empathy, and environmental stewardship.

At CRCCS, students joyfully celebrated the Feast Day of this wonderful saint by receiving Freddo Frogs and Caramello Koalas at the gate, symbolising his love for animals. They also created a colourful display for all to enjoy. The event highlighted St. Francis's teachings about kindness and respect for all living beings, creating a warm and compassionate atmosphere. It was a day of smiles, laughter, and a strong sense of community, reminding everyone of the importance of empathy and love for the world around us.

Christmas Toy and Gift Appeal

By Ms Matilda Mattar Learning Leader: Social Justice and Service

Christmas is the perfect time to think of others in our community who long to feel loved. Your support is paramount in making this season a joyous one. St. Vinnies would like to put out a call for families who wish to purchase and donate new toys, books, or gift vouchers for children from the ages of 12 months to 12 years of age. Gift vouchers are always appreciated as well.

These donations will be given directly to the St. Vincent de Paul Society in Deer Park and distributed to families in and around the area. All families wishing to donate items are kindly asked not to wrap them, but to place them under the Wishing tree opposite the reception.

This Christmas appeal will be running from the 8 November to 5 December 2023.

On behalf of the Social Justice Team thank you in advance, for showing the true meaning of compassion and unconditional love during this festive season, while allowing Christ to be born in your hearts and homes.

Five Minutes with Staff - Meet Lucy Swan

Meet Lucy Swan

How long have you worked at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs?

This year will be my seventh year at the College.

What is your role at the school?

I am in the Acting Principal role until Mr Madigan returns. I will then resume my usual role as Deputy Principal Learning & Teaching.

What is your ideal way to unwind and relax?

Reading a book (fiction usually) uninterrupted for an hour.

What was your favourite subject at school?

English of course! I loved talking about books; still do.

What tv series are you into at the moment?

Lessons in Chemistry, set in the 1950s, Elizabeth Zott's dream of being a scientist is challenged by a society that says women belong in the domestic sphere; she accepts a job on a TV cooking show and sets out to teach a nation of “housewives” way more than recipes.

Five Minutes with Staff - Meet David Sammut

Meet David Sammut

How long have you worked at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs?
A year and 5 months

What is your role at the school?
I am one of the Year 8 Year Level Leaders as well as a Materials Technology and Woodwork teacher.

What is your ideal way to unwind and relax?
Anything that involves working with my hands. Nothing else makes everything else fade into the background than when I am focused on creating something with my own two hands.

When you were little what did you aspire to be?
I wanted to be an inventor which lead to me studying product design. I soon found that I loved teaching those around me how to take their ideas and turn them into something tangible. Its made me the perfect fit for being a design teacher.

What skill would you like to master?
Japanese Joinery – The Japanese are masters of their craft, who take their time and focus on patience in the moment rather than rushing to the end result.

What tv series are you into at the moment?
Billy Connolly’s “Rambling man”. A famous comedian who has had an interesting life filled with trials and tribulations yet still remains upbeat and driven.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Mums “Qaqoċċ” (Maltese Artichokes) – A lot of people don’t enjoy them because they take some time to eat, but I have so many memories tied to eating this one dish, and I’m grateful Ma would always make it for me when I needed a pick me up!

What's your favourite holiday destination?
Japan – I’ve been there three times now and could never get sick of the place. The people are lovely, food is delicious and there are so many unique villages to visit.

Hosting Students from Japan 2024

Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs will be hosting Japanese Exchange Students from our sister school in March 2024.

Our Japanese friends will be here from 21-28 March, and if you are a current CRCCS student interested in hosting an exchange student, please ask your parent / carer to register here:

For more information, please email

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