Principal Report

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Pope Francis, on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, last year referred to the day when man set foot...

Deputy Principal Wellbeing Report

New College Scarves Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs are excited to announce the introduction of our new College scarf. This new uniform item is made from 100% Australia...

Finance Department

Box of Books If you have not yet paid for your child’s 2022 digital student subscription please login to ‘Box of Books’ website to attend to immediate payment before the child’s ...

Invitation: Live Fully Act Justly Day Mass

On September 9 we will have our annual Live Fully Act Justly Day. A day in which we take time to celebrate our college motto which is the essence of all that we do here at Catho...

Father's Day Mass & Breakfast

Dear Fathers, Grandfathers and significant men of our students, You are invited to attend a thanksgiving mass and breakfast to recognise and give thanks for the gift of ‘fatherho...

The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On Monday 15 August we celebrated the solemnity (days of greatest importance in the Church) of the Assumption of Mary. The Assumption of Mary celebrates the belief that Mary was ...

Sunday Gospel Reflection

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C Luke 13:22-30

Prayer - The Magnificat

My soul magnifies the Lord And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior; Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid; For behold, henceforth all generations shall call m...

Friday 8am Mass

During the term we offer the opportunity for our community to attend Holy Mass. Every Friday mornings of the term 8am Mass is celebrated at St Catherine of Siena Parish Church. All...

Year 9 Faith Formation Day

Faith Formation Days allow our students to immerse themselves in the Catholic Faith in a different way to the Religious Education classroom so they can grow in the love of God. Las...

National Vocations Awareness Week

Last week we celebrated National Vocations Awareness Week. Vocations Week is an opportunity for us to reflect on who God is calling us to be. We often mistake vocation for g...

Winter Fiesta

On August 4, Sienna-Sky Prokopec, Maya Simunija, Ivanka Portelli, Christina Stanford and Marc Ibaan attended the Winter Fiesta and 2023 World Youth Day Launch at St Patricks Cathed...

Assessment Re-sit

Dear Parents/Carers, Assessment Re-sit is one of the many Student Learning Support Programs offered at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs. Students are given the opportun...

Student Learning Support Programs 2022

Dear Parents/Carers,   At Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs, we offer an array of Student Learning Support Programs to assist our students beyond the classroom. These ...

Maths Support - Term 3

Maths Support is an after-school program designed to assist students in developing their numeracy skills. These sessions are facilitated by Maths teachers at the College and are an...

2023 Italian Hosting Opportunity

Dear Parents/Carers, Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs is excited to be hosting Italian exchange students from our Sister School Liceo Scientifico Livio Cambi, Falconara...

Student Leaders Corner - O'Reilly House Captains

O’Reilly House captain: Georgia Micaleff Q1. What does servant leadership mean to you? To me servant leadership means to put the needs of others before your own. It means striv...

School Photos - MSP Photography

School Photos are being held on Tuesday 13 September and Wednesday 14 September. Parents will receive an email from MSP Photography with our online ordering process leading up to...

St Vinnies Winter Food Appeal

Donate and make a difference this winter

Spring Concert – Thursday 1 September

Following on from the highly successful Winter Concert in Term Two, we are proud to present the Spring Concert which will provide another performance opportunity for our talented s...

Year 9 Premier League Results

Premier League Fixture – Term 3, Year 9 Round 1 - Wednesday 13 July – Away Girls Netball – Eagle Stadium Vs Emmanuel - Lost 13-26 Boys AFL – Alamanda Reserve Vs Emmanuel – Lost ...

Year 10 Getting into Genes Excursion

On Tuesday 9 August the Year 10 Biology (DNA, Genes & Inheritance) students embarked on an excursion to LaTrobe University Bundoora. The students visited the AgriBio facility, whic...

Visit from Siena College Musicians and Concert Bands

102 Musicians and 12 staff from Siena College visited CRCCS on Monday 8 August to give a special concert to our Year 7s. Our own Beginner Concert Band were able to sit in with the ...

STEM MAD Showcase

On Thursday 4 August, four students including myself, Daniel Lavery, Johann Noronha and Stephen Wijayaratne Thejage were invited to attend the STEM MAD (Make a Difference) showcase...

Year 9 Maths Games Day

Monday 8 August was Year 9 Maths Games Day, a day to explore and challenge our mathematical abilities in captivating and real-life applicable ways. Seven others, Ms. Lesnjak an...

Window To The World: A STEM Story! - Incursion

This term, the Year 9 students were provided an opportunity to view a comedy sketch through a 'Window To The World to discover the unsung hero of STEM – Glass!' This educational in...

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