Principal Report

By Mr Jamie Madigan Principal

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Pope Francis, on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, last year referred to the day when man set foot on the moon, he said a phrase that became famous: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”. He went on to explain that in essence, humanity had reached a historical goal. But Pope Francis explained that, in Mary’s Assumption into Heaven, we celebrate an infinitely greater conquest.

"The Madonna has set foot in paradise: she went there not only in spirit, but with her body as well, with all of herself. This step of the lowly Virgin of Nazareth was the huge leap forward for humanity". Pope Francis

He further explained that "With God, nothing is lost! In Mary, the goal has been reached and we have before our eyes the reasons why we journey: not to gain the things here below, which vanish, but to achieve the homeland above, which is forever. And Our Lady is the star that guides us. She went there first. She, as the Council teaches, shines “as a sign of sure hope and solace to the People of God during its sojourn on earth” (Lumen gentium, 68).

On Monday in the Gospel the first thing Mary says is: “My soul magnifies the Lord” (Lk 1:46). We have often become used to hearing these words, and we possibly, no longer pay close attention to their meaning. Pope Francis says, "To 'magnify' literally means 'to make great', to enlarge. Mary 'aggrandises' the Lord, not problems, which she did not lack at the time, but the Lord. How often, instead, we let ourselves be overwhelmed by difficulties and absorbed by fears! Our Lady does not, because she puts God as the first greatness of life. From here the Magnificat springs forth, from here joy is born not from the absence of problems, which come sooner or later, but joy is born from the presence of God who helps us, who is near us. Because God is great. And, above all, God looks on the lowly ones. We are His weakness of love: God looks on and love the lowly".

During these current challenging times, we are reminded in Pope Francis words to ask ourselves - do we remember to praise God? Do we thank Him for the great things He does for us? For every day that He gives us, because He always loves us and forgives us, for His tenderness?

Pope Francis further explained that, if we forget the good, our hearts shrink. But if, like Mary, we remember the great things that the Lord does, if at least once a day we were to “magnify” Him, then we would take a great step forward. He reminds us to at least one time during the day to say: “I praise the Lord”, to say, “Blessed be the Lord”, which is a short prayer of praise. This is praising God. With this short prayer, our hearts will expand, joy will increase. Let us ask Our Lady, the Gate of Heaven, for the grace to begin each day by raising our eyes to Heaven, toward God, to say to Him: "Thank you!”.

Let us invoke Mary's intercession for all the situations in the world that are most in need of hope for peace and justice and for the courage to live a dignified life.

Catholic Regional College North Keilor 40 Year Anniversary

On Thursday 11 August, I had the pleasure of attending Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate 40 years since the establishment of Catholic Regional College North Keilor. It was wonderful to see the CRC Federation founder, Fr John O’Reilly present at the Mass as well as Fr Maurie Cooney concelebrate mass with Archbishop Peter Comensoli.

The vision of these pioneering priests and our local parish priests in the past 40 years has enabled Catholic education to flourish in Melbourne’s western suburbs.

Victorian Principals Conference

I recently attended the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS) conference held in Healesville. The theme for the conference was 'Church Renewal'. Professor John Warhust was the keynote speaker addressing the following topics:

  • The Plenary Council
  • The Church in Australia
  • The Universal Church - Pope Francis and Synodality
  • Church Governance and Leadership.

There was rich dialogue and discussion amongst the Principals, and it was certainly a key learning experience for all conference attendees.


This is a reminder that all users of bikes and scooters (including the motorised versions) MUST wear helmets unless exempt. We have had concerns raised by members of our community, and it is quite apparent that residents have become complacent regarding these laws.

Mandatory bicycle helmet laws were introduced in July 1990. This applies when riding:

  • on roads and road-related areas
  • on bike and shared paths
  • in bike lanes
  • in recreational parks
  • in car parks
  • on footpaths.

Police can stop bike and scooter riders and issue a fine or a warning for not wearing

The current fine for this offence is $231.

an approved bicycle helmet.

Research indicates that bike helmets greatly reduce the risk of head injuries, which are the major cause of death and injury to bike riders.

  • Bicycle helmets reduce the chances of a serious head injury by almost 70 %
  • Two years after introducing bicycle helmet laws in 1990 a 23% reduction in head injuries in Victoria.

This is a significant safety issue, and we encourage you all to look after yourselves, family, and friends.

A message from your Local Police

Deputy Principal Wellbeing Report

By Ms Katie Murray-Fawcett Deputy Principal of Wellbeing

New College Scarves

Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs are excited to announce the introduction of our new College scarf. This new uniform item is made from 100% Australian wool and is available to purchase at reception for $37. This is not a compulsory uniform item, however in 2023 if students wish to wear a scarf to school it will need to be the college approved one. Please note for the remainder of 2022, students will still be able to wear a plain navy scarf to school.

Live Fully Act Just Day

On Friday 9 September our College community will come together to celebrate ‘Live Fully Act Justly Day.’ Our annual College Feast Day promises to be a wonderful celebration as we come together to help raise funds for our Uganda project. All monies raised will help continue our support of providing building resources, a food program and a water supply. On the day we will come together in the morning to celebrate Mass and then move onto a few hours of various activities and stalls for the students to enjoy and help raise further funds. Stalls will include showbags, fairy floss, donuts, a photobooth, face painting, pizza, inflatable soccer, confectionary, karaoke and much more. Our day will end with all staff and students gathering in the College Hall for our Talent Quest. Many items will be able to be pre-purchased prior to the day, however cash and card can be used. We look forward to celebrating what promises to be a terrific event for the school community.

Finance Department

By Ms Maryann Krsteski Finance Assistant

Box of Books

If you have not yet paid for your child’s 2022 digital student subscription please login to ‘Box of Books’ website to attend to immediate payment before the child’s subscription is interrupted.

Please email the finance department with your payment receipt to

Year 10 Camp 2022

Payment for the Year 10 camp is due by 3 October. The date of camp is 26-28 October 2022. Please contact the finance department if you need to discuss this in further detail.

STEM with NASA Cultural Immersion (USA 2023)

Payment due dates are 1 October, 1 December 2022 and 1 February 2023. The date of the STEM with NASA Cultural Immersion is 1-12 April 2023

Italy Immersion (2023)

Deposit is due by 24 August with payments due dates 14 September, 16 November 2022 and 1 March 2023. Date of Italian Immersion is 9 – 7 September 2023

2022 School Fees

School fees are to be completed by November each year. If you have any concerns with school fees please contact the Finance Department to discuss.

Thank you
Finance Department

Invitation: Live Fully Act Justly Day Mass

By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

On September 9 we will have our annual Live Fully Act Justly Day. A day in which we take time to celebrate our college motto which is the essence of all that we do here at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs. For many of our students this will be the first time they will experience the day due to the cancellation of the event. We will begin the day with Holy Mass in the hall, followed by a fair and talent quest.

Families are invited to attend the celebration of Mass and will need to book via the try booking link below (limited places are available).

Father's Day Mass & Breakfast

By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

Dear Fathers, Grandfathers and significant men of our students,

You are invited to attend a thanksgiving mass and breakfast to recognise and give thanks for the gift of ‘fatherhood’ and all the great contributions you have made to the families of our community. Details of the Mass and breakfast as well as how to register are below.

Date: Friday 2 September

Mass: 8:00-8:30am, St Catherine of Siena Parish Church, Caroline Springs

Breakfast: 8:30 – 9:00am, College Cafeteria

Registration: Please register your interest via the link by Wednesday 24 August.

Father's Day Mass & Breakfast Registration Link

The Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

On Monday 15 August we celebrated the solemnity (days of greatest importance in the Church) of the Assumption of Mary. The Assumption of Mary celebrates the belief that Mary was assumed, ‘taken up’ into heaven at the end of her life body and soul due to her sinless nature and her part in becoming the mother of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

In Australia it is a Holy Day of obligation (Catholics are required to attend Mass). Our lives are so busy, and we face so many distractions. At times we can lose sight of God or become numb to His presence. Having a Holy Day of Obligation can give us the opportunity to rearrange our lives and ensure that our spiritual part of our life takes precedence over the exigencies of living in this world.

Our students and staff had the opportunity to honour Mary through the celebration of Mass at St Catherine of Siena Parish Church on the day. Fr Joel Peart who presided at the Year 9 & 10 Assumption Mass reminded us of the importance of focusing our hearts and minds on heavenly things and not getting caught up on things of the temporal things of this world. He stated that this is what Mary did and because of this was able to join her son in heaven (body and soul). This is what our goal should be as faithful Christians, to raise our eyes to heaven. This was reiterated by our Holy Father Pope Francis who in his Angelus Address stated “Do I believe that the purpose of my life is Heaven, it is paradise? To spend it well here. Or am I concerned only with worldly, material things? Again, as I observe world events, do I let myself be entrapped by pessimism or, like the Virgin, am I able to discern the work of God who, through gentleness and smallness, achieves great things? Brothers and sisters, Mary today sings of hope and rekindles hope in us.”

Mary: The Assumption (4.52 min) 

Sunday Gospel Reflection

By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Luke 13:22-30

Prayer - The Magnificat

By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

My soul magnifies the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;
Because He has regarded the lowliness of His handmaid;
For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;
Because He who is mighty has done great things for me,
and holy is His name;
And His mercy is from generation to generation
on those who fear Him.
He has shown might with His arm,
He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
and has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich He has sent away empty.
He has given help to Israel, his servant, mindful of His mercy
Even as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity forever

  • Hymn of Praise taken from the Gospel of Luke (1:46-55)

Friday 8am Mass

By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

During the term we offer the opportunity for our community to attend Holy Mass. Every Friday mornings of the term 8am Mass is celebrated at St Catherine of Siena Parish Church. All students and their family are welcomed to attend. Daily Mass can help us to strengthen our relationship with Jesus and grow in holiness. I ask families to encourage their children to attend and support the nourishment of their faith.

Year 9 Faith Formation Day

By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

Faith Formation Days allow our students to immerse themselves in the Catholic Faith in a different way to the Religious Education classroom so they can grow in the love of God. Last Thursday 11 August our Year 9 students were able to have their Faith Day facilitated by Chris Doyle from Karis Ministries. Below is an account from Year 9 student Alyssa Debono.

Last Thursday11th of August, Chris Doyle from Karis Ministries came to our school for our Year 9 Faith Reflection Day. Using well-known songs, witty humour, and a wide range of interactive activities, Chris encouraged the Year 9 cohort to contemplate things that give our lives meaning and purpose. With numerous anecdotes, he prompted us to think about the kind of person we want to be and how the thousands of choices we make on a daily basis effect us. He taught us to base our choices off three main virtues; Faith, Hope and Love, with Love being the most important. Over the four periods, Chris persuaded teachers and students to show off their lovely voices and sing songs of all genres with him, this created a comfortable and radiant environment for everyone, allowing us to be ourselves and enjoy the day. Using handshakes, fist-pumps and hugs, Chris guided us to embrace one another without the embarrassment of other people’s thoughts and to treat others with respect no matter their gender or identity. 

Alyssa Debono 9 Bunjil

    National Vocations Awareness Week

    By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

    Last week we celebrated National Vocations Awareness Week. Vocations Week is an opportunity for us to reflect on who God is calling us to be.

    We often mistake vocation for getting a job or choosing a career. However, vocation is about God’s will and purpose for our lives. Christ reveals as vocation priesthood, marriage and religious life these are not career options but are the purpose and meaning of our lives. We are chosen for these things, and we become who our creator intended us to be in our response to this divine call.

    We need to allow time for our children to practice discernment. The decision-making process which allows one to reflect on God’s will our lives. Making time to be in solitude and speaking to God when discerning God’s vocation allows us to make decisions based on the love of God and the fulfillment of our heart.

    During National Vocation Awareness Week our staff and students had the opportunity to pray in front of the blessed sacrament through Adoration and were visited by Priests and religious who interacted with our students during lunchtime.

    Let us pray for our community that we may be open to responding to God’s call for our lives.

    Winter Fiesta

    By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

    On August 4, Sienna-Sky Prokopec, Maya Simunija, Ivanka Portelli, Christina Stanford and Marc Ibaan attended the Winter Fiesta and 2023 World Youth Day Launch at St Patricks Cathedral. It was wonderful seeing the students engage and celebrate their faith with many young people across the archdiocese of faith and with so many Priests and religious to support and encourage them. Below is an excerpt from the experience of our College Captain, Ivanka Portelli.

    “It was an amazing opportunity to attend the Winter Fiesta and launch of World Youth Day 2023. We began the evening with a Holy Hour which was dedicated to adoration, prayer, reflections and confession at St Patrick's Cathedral. After the conclusion of Holy hour, the Winter Fiesta took place on the grounds outside the Cathedral where we were treated to live music, delicious Portuguese food and great company. Archbishop Comensoli was also in attendance to formally launch World Youth Day which will be held in Lisbon, Portugal next year!

    I am grateful for the opportunity that I was given to be able to attend this wonderful night.”

    Ivanka Portelli 10 Coranderrk

    Assessment Re-sit

    By Ms Linda Bracco Acting Learning & Teaching Leader (Curriculum Innovation)

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Assessment Re-sit is one of the many Student Learning Support Programs offered at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs. Students are given the opportunity to complete a missed in-class assessment/test without the need to be absent for additional class time.


    1. When and where does Assessment Re-sit take place?

    A 60-minute assessment re-sit takes place each Tuesday and Thursday from 3:20pm – 4:20pm in the College Cafeteria.

    1. Is Assessment Re-sit compulsory?

    When requested by the teacher, it is an expectation that your child attends Assessment Re-sit.

    1. Does my child require permission to attend an Assessment Re-sit?

    Yes. An Assessment Re-sit requires Operoo permission from a parent/carer. This is a once off permission in the instance when your child will be required to attend.

    1. How do I know when my child has received an Assessment Re-sit?

    An email notification will be sent informing you that your child is required to attend an Assessment Re-sit.

    1. What if my child is absent on the day of the Assessment Re-sit?

    If you child is absent on the day of the Assessment Re-sit, they may be eligible for a Rescheduled Assessment Re-sit if a valid reason is provided.

    1. What are the valid reasons for missing an Assessment Re-sit?
    2. Illness (medical certificate required within 48 hours with an accompanying parent/carer note to reception).
    3. Compassionate grounds i.e., a funeral (parent/carer to provide note to reception).
    4. Isolation due to infectious diseases protocols (parent/carer note to reception is required).
    1. When will my child’s Rescheduled Assessment Re-sit take place?

    If your child is deemed eligible, they will be placed on the next available Assessment Re-sit. An email notification will be sent once this has occurred.

    1. What if I can’t provide a valid reason for the missed Assessment Re-sit?

    If your child is unable to provide a valid reason for missing the Assessment Re-sit, a reschedule will not take place. They will receive a zero result for the assessment task, and this will impact the overall result for that subject.

    Thank you for your ongoing support.

    Assessment Re sit Policy Procedure Parents Students

    Student Learning Support Programs 2022

    By Ms Linda Bracco Acting Learning and Teaching Leader (Curriculum Innovation)

    Dear Parents/Carers,  

    At Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs, we offer an array of Student Learning Support Programs to assist our students beyond the classroom. These programs are facilitated by Teachers and Learning Support Officers at the College. Students are encouraged to make use of the following programs:

    • Maths Support
    • English Support
    • Refugee and EAL Support (with Operoo)
    • Homework Support 

    Students at times may be required to attend certain programs at the request of their teachers. Parents/carers will receive a SEQTA notification to attend the following: 

    • Homework Catch Up 
    • Assessment Re-Sit (with Operoo) 

    Please see a summary table below for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Ms Linda Bracco on

    Maths Support - Term 3

    By Ms Neve Lesnjak Learning Area Leader Mathematics

    Maths Support is an after-school program designed to assist students in developing their numeracy skills. These sessions are facilitated by Maths teachers at the College and are an excellent opportunity for students of all capabilities to receive tailored numeracy support and develop their confidence in all areas of Mathematics.

    This program is offered to all students at the College and will run from 3:20pm – 4:20pm in MM1 most Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students are not required to attend for the entire hour and, as such, can choose to leave after they have received the support their seek.

    Below is the remaining timetable for Term 3 which indicates the date as well as the teacher facilitating the session.

    If you would like any further clarification, please feel free to contact me at the College at






    25th August



    30th August



    1st September



    6th September



    8th September



    15th September

    2023 Italian Hosting Opportunity

    By Ms Linda Bracco Cultural Immersion Leader

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs is excited to be hosting Italian exchange students from our Sister School Liceo Scientifico Livio Cambi, Falconara Italy in February 2023 for 1 week. These students are aged between 14-15 years old and are fluent in English.

    As a College, we are now looking for suitable families keen to host an Italian exchange student during this time. It is an enriching opportunity to interact with a student from another culture and welcome them into your family.

    Please see a few important points below:

    • all Italian exchange students are triple vaccinated against COVID-19
    • host students can be from Year 7, 8, 9 or 10
    • host families can take up to two students
    • all Italian exchange students will take part in classes, incursions and excursions organised by the College
    • host students can opt into incursions and excursions during that week

    If you are interested, please complete the form below for more information.

    Italy Hosting Form 2023

    Student Leaders Corner - O'Reilly House Captains

    By Mr Luke Lentini House and Student Leadership Coordinator

    O’Reilly House captain: Georgia Micaleff

    Q1. What does servant leadership mean to you?

    To me servant leadership means to put the needs of others before your own. It means striving to serve others and ensuring that those around you are supported and inspiring them to be best people they can be.  

    Q2. Why did you want to be a part of the 2022 student leadership team?

    I wanted to be part of the 2022 student leadership team as leadership is something I have been actively part of for many years and the thought of being a sport captain and being able to support and inspire others meant a great deal to me.  

    Q3. What is your role in the leadership team and what are your responsibilities?

    My role as part of the leadership is being O’Reilly house captain in which my responsibilities are to guide and support students to achieve the best result they can and encouraging students to give everything a go and live fully.  

    Q4. What is a goal you would like to achieve this year in the leadership team?

    My goal is to fulfil my duty as a house captain to lead my house and support as many students as possible to give everything a go and to push themselves to achieve whatever they desire.  

    Q5. What is the legacy you wish to leave behind?

    The legacy I want to leave behind is to be involved in anything that interests you no matter what your friends do, do things that you enjoy and create as many experiences as you can!  

    Q6. What are some exciting projects or proposals the leadership team are currently working on, that you are passionate about?

    Some exciting proposals that we are currently working on are introducing different sports to be played during lunchtimes with the aim to get more students active during lunchtime and to participate in a range of different sports. This idea creates opportunities for new friendships and passions to develop.

    O’Reilly Deputy House captain: Augustha Morris

    Q1. What does servant leadership mean to you?

    I believe that servant leadership is when we value people for who they are, not just for what they give to the team. It is also when you have the ability to trust and listen to your other team mates. I also believe it isn't just about you but putting other people's needs first.  

    Q2. Why did you want to be apart of the 2022 student leadership team?

    I wantedto be apartof the 2022 leadership teams becauseits somethingI've always wanted to do and this has helped me build up more of my skills i wouldneed later on in the future. I also wanted to give back to our school and help others

    Q3. What is your role in the leadership team and what are your responsibilities?

    I am a deputy house captain for O'Reillyhouse and my responsibilitiesare looking after the sports section ofthe leadership team.

    Q4. What is a goal you would like to achieve this year in the leadership team?

    This goal i would love to see everyone'sideasto come to light and top have more crccs students participate.

    Q5. What is the legacy you wish to leave behind?

    I want to leave behind trust and that students should change just for the thought of other people but what they want. I want people to know that i was here to change or try and help things that people are strugglingwith.

    Q6. What are some exciting projects or proposals the leadership team are currently working on, that you are passionate about?

    I am currently working on the peer support group and i am really passionate on working with the year 7's and building up confidence in the lower years to come.

    School Photos - MSP Photography

    By Ms Cassandra Kambouris College Daily Organiser

    School Photos are being held on Tuesday 13 September and Wednesday 14 September.

    Parents will receive an email from MSP Photography with our online ordering process leading up to the day. Please note, students will not receive a hard copy form to order photos this year.

    All school photos will be portraits only and parents will have the option to order ‘class’, ‘group’ or ‘family’ photos with students’ individual head shots.

    Students are to wear the full CRCCS Winter Uniform with their blazer on their allocated photo day. Students participating in group photos will be notified via SEQTA notices of the uniform requirements for their scheduled group photo.

    Uniform reminders:


    • Trousers (preferred)
    • Tie
    • Blazer
    • Shirt tucked in
    • No jumper
    • College socks
    • Polished shoes


    • Kilt or Striped Long Pants
    • Tie
    • Blazer
    • Shirt tucked in
    • No jumper
    • College socks
    • Polished shoes
    • Students are not to wear make-up or jewelry
    • Long hair is to be tied back with a navy or maroon hair tie/ribbon for sport photos only
    • If make-up, earrings or nails cannot be removed then the student will miss their photo

    A photo schedule will be made available to students on Tuesday 6 September via SEQTA notices with further instructions. This will inform students of the day they are to wear their full winter uniform. As the schedule will comprise of both homeroom and group photos, students may need to wear their winter uniform and bring their sport/group uniform on both days. Students who have a Physical Education class can change in and out of their winter uniform for their photo.

    If parents choose not to purchase a photo, students are still to wear their winter uniform on their scheduled day, as their photo will be taken for the yearbook.

    St Vinnies Winter Food Appeal

    By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice and Service Learning leader

    Spring Concert – Thursday 1 September

    By Dr Chris McGillen Head of Music Performance

    Following on from the highly successful Winter Concert in Term Two, we are proud to present the Spring Concert which will provide another performance opportunity for our talented soloists and College Ensembles. The event is taking place in the Performing Arts Centre and commences at 7pm Thursday 1 September. A link to book free tickets will be sent out to families in the coming weeks. There will be rehearsals for Soloists and College Ensembles between 2.00pm and 4.45pm, a rehearsal schedule will be published on SEQTA notices prior to the event.

    Tickets can be booked via this link:

    Year 9 Premier League Results

    By Mr Rannoch Wilkinson Sports and Camps Coordinator

    Premier League Fixture – Term 3, Year 9

    Round 1 - Wednesday 13 July – Away

    Girls Netball – Eagle Stadium Vs Emmanuel - Lost 13-26

    Boys AFL – Alamanda Reserve Vs Emmanuel – Lost 36 - 42

    Girls Soccer – Emmanuel College, Point Cook Vs Emmanuel – Won 5 - 1

    Boys Soccer – Emmanuel College, Altona North Vs Emmanuel – Won 6 - 1

    Girls Basketball - Bye

    Boys Basketball - Bye

    Girls Volleyball - Bye

    Boys Volleyball - Bye

    Round 2 - Wednesday 20 July

    All teams – Bye

    Round 3 - Wednesday 27 July - Home

    Girls Netball – Caroline Springs Leisure Centre Vs Mackillop - Lost 14 - 29

    Boys AFL – CRC Caroline Springs Oval Vs Mackillop (1pm Start) – Lost 24 - 69

    Girls Soccer – City Vista Reserve, Plumpton Vs CRC North Keilor – Won 2 - 1

    Boys Soccer - City Vista Reserve, Plumpton Vs CRC North Keilor – Won 4 - 0

    Girls Basketball - Caroline Springs Leisure Centre Vs CRC North Keilor – Lost 14 - 40

    Boys Basketball – Cobblebank Stadium, Melton Vs CRC North Keilor – Won 60 - 30

    Girls Volleyball - Cobblebank Stadium, Melton Vs CRC North Keilor – Lost 2 - 3

    Boys Volleyball - Cobblebank Stadium, Melton Vs CRC North Keilor – Lost 1 - 3

    Round 4 - Wednesday 3 August - Away

    Girls Netball – Broadmeadows Basketball Stadium Vs Penola – Won 38 - 5

    Boys AFL – Penola Senior Campus, Gibson St, Broadmeadows Vs Penola – Won 87 - 25

    Girls Soccer – ABD Stadium Vs Penola – Lost 0 - 1

    Boys Soccer – ABD Stadium Vs Penola – Won 7 - 2

    Girls Basketball - Broadmeadows Basketball Stadium Vs Penola – Won 23 - 20

    Boys Basketball - Broadmeadows Basketball Stadium Vs Penola – Won 67 - 24

    Girls Volleyball – Coburg Basketball Stadium Vs Penola – Lost 0 - 3

    Boys Volleyball - Coburg Basketball Stadium Vs Penola – Won 3 - 0

    Round 5 - Wednesday 10 August - Away

    Girls Netball – Boardman Stadium, Sunbury Vs Salesian – Lost 22 - 11

    Boys AFL – Salesian College, Sunbury Vs Salesian – Lost

    Girls Soccer – Marymede College Vs Marymede – Draw 0 - 0

    Boys Soccer – Marymede College, Sth Morang Vs Marymede - Bye

    Girls Basketball – Craigieburn Sports Stadium Vs Kolbe – Won 24 - 22

    Boys Basketball - Craigieburn Sports Stadium Vs Kolbe – Won 51 - 31

    Girls Volleyball – Kolbe College, Greenvale Vs Kolbe - Won 3 - 1

    Boys Volleyball – Kolbe College, Greenvale Vs Kolbe – Lost 2 - 3

    Round 6 - Wednesday 17 August - Home

    Girls Netball – Caroline Springs Leisure Centre Vs CRC Melton – Won 37 - 18

    Boys AFL – CRC Caroline Springs Oval Vs CRC Melton – Won 151 - 27

    Girls Soccer – City Vista Reserve, Plumpton Vs CRC Melton – No Game (Melton withdrawn)

    Boys Soccer - City Vista Reserve, Plumpton Vs CRC Melton – Won 9- 0

    Girls Basketball - Caroline Springs Leisure Centre Vs Caroline Chisholm – Won 27 - 21

    Boys Basketball – Cobblebank Stadium, Melton Vs Caroline Chisholm – Won 58 - 28

    Girls Volleyball - Cobblebank Stadium, Melton Vs Thomas Carr – Won 3 - 0

    Boys Volleyball - Cobblebank Stadium, Melton Vs Thomas Carr – Won 3 - 0

    Round 7 - Wednesday 24 August - Home

    Girls Netball – Caroline Springs Leisure Centre Vs St Monica’s

    Boys AFL – CRC Caroline Springs Oval Vs St Monica’s

    Girls Soccer – City Vista Reserve, Plumpton Vs St Monica’s

    Boys Soccer - City Vista Reserve, Plumpton Vs St Monica’s

    Girls Basketball - Caroline Springs Leisure Centre Vs CRC St Albans

    Boys Basketball – Cobblebank Stadium, Melton Vs CRC St Albans

    Girls Volleyball - Cobblebank Stadium, Melton Vs CRC St Albans

    Boys Volleyball - Cobblebank Stadium, Melton Vs CRC St Albans

    Wednesday 31 August

    Semi Finals

    Wednesday 7 September

    Grand finals

    Year 10 Getting into Genes Excursion

    By Ms Hayley Iannazzo Science Teacher

    On Tuesday 9 August the Year 10 Biology (DNA, Genes & Inheritance) students embarked on an excursion to LaTrobe University Bundoora. The students visited the AgriBio facility, which is a world class facility for agricultural biosciences research and development. Upon their arrival the students participated in the “Getting into Genes” program where they participated in several workshops highlighting the application of biotechnology to selective breeding in the agricultural industry.

    Rotating through three hands-on workstations, students extracted DNA and gained experience of techniques such as restriction enzyme analysis. They learnt how these modern genetic engineering tools are being used by Australian scientists and researchers to breed farm animals and crops better suited to the changing environment. Students worked through examples of selective breeding, using phenotype and genotype data for both plants and animals.

    Overall, the students had a great day, and were able to see how what they are learning in the classroom has real life applications, and hopefully opened their eyes to potential career paths in the field of STEM.

    Visit from Siena College Musicians and Concert Bands

    By Dr Chris McGillen Head of Music Performance

    102 Musicians and 12 staff from Siena College visited CRCCS on Monday 8 August to give a special concert to our Year 7s. Our own Beginner Concert Band were able to sit in with the Siena College Students and performed ‘Hit the Spot’ by Australian Composer Brian West, and ‘Highway to the Danger Zone’ from the movie Top Gun. Siena provided performances from a range of groups including their Concert Band, Symphonic Wind Band, Chamber Choir and Combined Strings. We hope to visit Siena College in 2024 with our Concert Band for a day workshop and performance.

    CRCCS Students: Ylai Casem, Ivan Kolceg, Cruz Tabone and Jan Paul Pendecki

    STEM MAD Showcase

    By Jessica Jepson Student - 10WO

    On Thursday 4 August, four students including myself, Daniel Lavery, Johann Noronha and Stephen Wijayaratne Thejage were invited to attend the STEM MAD (Make a Difference) showcase. We met Ms Iannazzo at the train station and travelled by train to the Catholic Leadership Centre in the City.

    While there we helped run our stand where we talked to other schools about the Year 10 STEM subject, STEM: Experiments in Space and to showcase our rockets. We also met Dr McAlindon there, who was running an Aviation competition for all Catholic Schools in the Melbourne Archdiocese to participate in, and we were able to help run the competition, as well as promote the STEM: Aviation subject that we are able to undertake as Year 9 students here at the College.

    Throughout the day, we also had the chance to view the other school’s stands and see what STEM programs they run, and how these might make a difference to everyday society. Overall, it was such a fun day that we all enjoyed.  

    Jessica Jepson – 10WO

    Jessica Jepson, Daniel Lavery, Johann Noronha and Stephen Wijayaratne Thejage
    Jessica Jepson, Daniel Lavery, Johann Noronha and Stephen Wijayaratne Thejage

    Year 9 Maths Games Day

    By Zalaika Farrugia Student - 9WO

    Monday 8 August was Year 9 Maths Games Day, a day to explore and challenge our mathematical abilities in captivating and real-life applicable ways.
    Seven others, Ms. Lesnjak and I started the day with a trip to Southern Cross Grammar, who openly welcomed us to an organised, communal event. With over thirty schools attending, split into groups, we were able to bond over a skill of math through a series of games and tests. Beginning the day, we participated in a strategic game of Ken-Ken puzzles, a different form of Sudoku. Following recess, we came back to the most challenging part of the day; the problem-solving group test. With a set of twenty questions, we were challenged with numerous problem-solving worded equations. We were challenged to test all our mathematical knowledge in order to solve these challenging questions.
    Once again, followed by lunch, we came back to a school versus school math tournament. Finally, to finish off, we competed in a group relay, with various questions to answer in a limited amount of time. 
    Although we did not come out as the top school, we came out with a good day overall and a memorable school event to look back to.

    Zalaika Farrugia – 9WO

    Window To The World: A STEM Story! - Incursion

    By Ms Kelly Nguyen Learning Area Leader - Science

    This term, the Year 9 students were provided an opportunity to view a comedy sketch through a 'Window To The World to discover the unsung hero of STEM – Glass!' This educational incursion, engaged and explored at the heart of the global transformation of communications, technology, medicine, transport and global sustainability is the sandy substance of glass. The educational wonders were acted out in a STEM Story focusing on the following themes:

    • The Wonders of Glass
    • How Glass Connects the World
    • See the Impacts on our Health
    • How Glass is leading a Sustainable Future

    This was a great introduction to what our college is celebrating this week, recognising the theme National Science Week - 'Glass: More than meets the eye!’

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