What a busy, action packed and successful Term 3 we have had at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs. We continue to have quality learning and teaching occurring every day in the classrooms. As well as offering many co-curricular activities, including SACCSS sporting events and competitions, excursions and incursions, faith development days, whole school assemblies and liturgies, music concerts, the recent Live Fully Act Justly Feast Day and a particular highlight was the performing of the College Musical Mamma Mia, to sell out audiences.
I would like to thank all teaching staff, I.T, maintenance, counselling, learning diversity, library, support, administration, and finance teams who have been working hard to ensure the College runs so smoothly.
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the College community to thank our staff for their efforts as they have been extremely diligent and generous with their own time to enable the many events to take place. Without the support of staff, these activities simply would not take place, so I thank staff most sincerely for their efforts. Below are some of the major accomplishments this Term:
- 1007 Students have been engaged in day-to-day classes and learning
- Mamma Mia Musical performed to sell out audiences
- Consolidation of the CRC Caroline Springs School Advisory Council
- Consolidation of the CRC Caroline Springs Parents and Friends Association
- Student Leadership Development Days
- Social Justice Leaders Development Days
- Year 10 Formal Social
- SACCSS Cross Country and Chess Tournaments
- Year 9 Premier League
- SACCSS Year 9-10 Girls AFL
- Winter Music Concert
- Lunchtime Music Converts
- St. Vinnies and Uganda Fundraising Activities
- Year 9 City Experience excursions
- Subject selections for 2023
- i-CAN Program
- Tuning Into Teens Parent Program
- Outdoor Education excursions
- Various subject based Excursions
- College Tours
- Lunchtime Concerts
- Year Level Liturgies
- Homeroom Masses with St. Catherine’s Parish
- Feast of the Assumption Masses
- Year 8&9 Reflection Day
- Science Week
- STEM MAD Showcase
- VCAL Excursions
- National Vocations Awareness Week
- Tasmania Cultural Immersion Tour
- Student/Parent Teacher Interviews
Faith Activities:
- Caritas Fundraising Activities
- Uganda Fundraising Activities
- Uganda priest Fr. Nestus Mugisha visit
- St. Vinnies Fundraising Activities
- Year 9 and 10 Reflection Day
- Assumption Feast Day Mass
- Homeroom Masses with St. Catherine’s Parish
- Year Level Liturgies
- National Vocations Awareness Week
- Lunchtime Reconciliations
- Theology Thursday Staff PL Sessions
- Staff Faith Day
- Friday Morning 8:00am student and staff Mass
- Mother’s Day Mass and Breakfast
- Ask the Priest Lunchtime Sessions
Live Fully Act Justly Day
On Friday 9 September we held our Live Fully Act Justly Feast Day Mass and celebration. It was wonderful to again celebrate this key event in our college calendar as we have been unable to hold it for the last two years.
I would like to thank Fr. Maurie Cooney who was the celebrant for the Live Fully Act Justly Feast Day Mass. Once again Fr. Maurie inspired the staff and students with a stirring homily and we hope and pray that we will have the opportunity to gather with Fr. Maurie and our other Canonical Administrators on many more occasions as a whole school.
I would also like to thank all the students who participated in the Mass so respectfully and reverently. Thank you also to all the staff and students involved in the Mass. It was certainly a wonderful way to gather as a school community and celebrate the Eucharist.
The Eucharist is at the heart of the CRC Federation of schools. It is in the Eucharist that we find ourselves called, invited and challenged and the Eucharist makes visible the Christ we seek to know. These four words Live Fully Act Justly are relatively simple, yet paradoxically they are also very complex, deep and spiritual.

Thank you to the parents who attended the Live Fully Act Justly Day Mass and then joined us for the College Fair and Talent Quest. I would particularly like to acknowledge the Parents and Friends Association, staff and students who worked extremely hard not only on Friday but also in the weeks prior to the day organising the BBQ and drinks to fed over 1100 students and staff. We are very grateful as a college community for their commitment and dedication to our college and their efforts positively contributed to the overall success of the day.
I am constantly amazed by the wonderful gifts and talents that our students have across so many diverse areas. Throughout the Talent Quest we witnessed our students’ outstanding performing arts abilities involving comedy, singing, dancing, acting, musicians, and other unique talents. This was an excellent opportunity for the students involved to showcase their gifts and talents in an engaging and entertaining way. Students will forever have wonderful memories of their involvement in the Talent Quest and the many strong friendships they developed.