Prayer – O Immaculate Heart of Mary

By Paul Sammut Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth, we dedicate this month of August to your loving heart. Guide us closer to your Son, Jesus, and teach us to love and serve Him with a pure heart.

Help us to imitate your virtues, especially your humility, patience, and obedience to God’s will. In times of trial, grant us the grace to trust in your maternal protection and to remain steadfast in faith.

We pray for peace in our hearts, in our families, and in the world. Through your intercession, may we grow in holiness and reflect the love of Christ in all that we do.

O Immaculate Heart of Mary, we place our prayers, our lives, and our souls in your hands. Intercede for us now and at the hour of our death.


Principal's Report

By Jamie Madigan Principal

One of my favourite scripture passages is from the Gospel reading from Matthew 16:13-20, where we encounter a moment of profound significance. Jesus asks His disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" Peter’s response, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God," is a declaration of faith that forms the cornerstone of our Christian identity. In this exchange, Jesus affirms Peter’s role as the rock upon which He will build His Church, a reminder of the importance of steadfast faith and commitment.

This Gospel challenges us as a school community to reflect on how we recognise and respond to Christ in our lives. It is a call to deepen our faith and to express it through our actions—particularly in our relationship with our Catholic sister school, St. Francis Kizinga in Uganda.

Our partnership with St. Francis Kizinga is a powerful expression of our College motto, 'Live Fully, Act Justly'. Through our feeding program, we provide breakfast for the students at St. Francis, ensuring that they have the nourishment they need to start their day. Our building program, which has seen the construction of three classroom blocks and the provision of furniture and stationery, is a testament to our commitment to justice and equity, providing our brothers and sisters in Uganda with the resources they need to thrive.

In living out our motto, we are called to recognise the presence of Christ in others and to respond with compassion and generosity. Just as Peter was entrusted with the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, we too are entrusted with the responsibility of making a positive impact in the world. Our support of St. Francis Kizinga is more than an act of charity; it is a reflection of our shared values and our commitment to living out the Gospel in tangible ways.

For our students, this partnership provides a valuable lesson in what it means to Live Fully and Act Justly. It is an opportunity to see firsthand, the difference that can be made when we put our faith into action. It teaches them that living fully means embracing the fullness of life that Christ offers, and acting justly means standing up for the dignity and well-being of others, especially those in need.

As we continue this school year, let us keep the question Jesus posed to His disciples in our hearts: "Who do you say that I am?" May our answer be evident in the way we live out our faith, in how we support our sister school, and in our daily interactions with one another. Let us strive to be a community that embodies our motto, living fully and acting justly in all that we do.

I encourage you all to pray for our brothers and sisters at St. Francis Kizinga, and to consider how we can continue to strengthen this important relationship. Together, let us build a school community where Christ is at the centre, guiding us to live lives of purpose, compassion, and justice.

Farewell to Fr. Maurie

As Fr. Maurie Cooney steps into retirement, our staff had the privilege of hosting a special thank you morning tea in his honour. The event was a heartfelt gathering, attended by staff who wished to express their gratitude for Fr. Maurie’s many years of dedicated service and his significant contributions to the parish and school communities.

Fr Maurie thanked the community and emphasised the ‘companionable’ relationship CRC Caroline Springs has fostered amongst our priests, staff and families to further the mission of the Church.

For the past 7 years, Fr. Maurie has been the Parish Priest of Sacred Heart/Emmaus Parish, where his pastoral care extended to the communities of Sacred Heart Primary School, CANA Primary School, and Emmaus Catholic Primary School. He has also been the President of the Association of Canonical Administrators for the Catholic Regional College Federation.

As we bid farewell to Fr. Maurie, we extend our deepest gratitude for all he has done for the Archdiocese of Melbourne and our community. We pray that he will have a peaceful and fulfilling retirement, filled with the same joy and love that he has so generously shared with us over the years.

Term 3 Student Development Days

By Katie Murray-Fawcett Deputy Principal Wellbeing

Student Development Days Term 3

Throughout the course of Term 3, the Years 8, 9 and 10 students each took part in a Student Development Day. Such days form part of the College’s Wellbeing program and aim to focus on topics that impact our young people. Currently, the Wellbeing team are looking at making changes to our Student Development Days for 2025 and have sought feedback from the students and staff. This feedback will assist us in making our Wellbeing program more engaging, practical and relevant to our students needs moving forward.

Earlier this, term the Year 10 students focused on the topic of ‘Safer Socialising’ which included a presentation by the Pat Cronin Foundation. We were fortunate enough to have Aidan from the foundation speak with the students about Pat’s story as well as sharing his own personal journey. The Be Wise presentation explored the impacts of conflict and violence and empowered our Year 10 students to make positive changes when faced with this.

Our Year 9 cohort focussed on the topic of ‘Being Safe in our Community’ and were fortunate enough to have the PPU (Police Protection Unit) speak with them as part of their day. As a College, we are fortunate to work closely with Caroline Springs police station as they are always a great support when it come to the safety of our students. The police addressed such concerns as online bullying, social media behaviour and violence. The Year 9 students then took part in workshops in the classrooms which focussed on safety within our College community and Caroline Springs.

Next week, we look forward to our Year 8 students completing their final Student Development Day for 2024. The theme for the day is ‘Making a Stand’ and our students will have the opportunity to discuss and have a better understanding of gender-based issues. We look forward to welcoming Max Radcliffe who will be working with our Year 8 boys for part of the day as well the Flourish Journey who will be presenting a keynote to our year 8 girls.

National Vocations Awareness Week

By Paul Sammut Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

In the Catholic Church, a vocation is a calling from God to live out our lives in a particular way that reflects His love and truth. Vocations can take many forms, including the priesthood, religious life, marriage, and single life. Each vocation is a unique path to holiness, where we are invited to serve others and grow closer to God through our daily lives. National Vocations Awareness Week is a time dedicated to fostering an understanding and appreciation of these different vocations, encouraging everyone to reflect on God’s call in their lives.

As part of this special week, we were honoured to have Fr. Richard and Seminarian Greg speak with our Year 10 boys. They shared their personal experiences and insights about the vocation to the priesthood and the broader concept of vocations. Fr. Richard emphasised the joy and fulfillment that comes from dedicating one’s life to serving God and His people. Seminarian Greg offered a relatable perspective, speaking about his journey from the Australian Airforce to a moment of discernment and the challenges and blessings he has encountered along the way.

Similarly, the Year 10 girls had the privilege of hearing from Sr. Lawrence, who spoke about the vocation to religious life. Sr. Lawrence shared her journey and how she came to realise her calling to serve as a religious sister. Her testimony was a powerful reminder of the peace and joy that comes from following God’s will.

Throughout the week, we engaged in various activities that helped students reflect on the theme of vocations. We watched Disney’s Soul, a thought-provoking movie that explores the meaning of life and the importance of following one’s true purpose. Students participated in cross-making, a hands-on activity that allowed them to create a tangible reminder of their faith and their call to serve others and we gathered for Adoration, a time of prayer and contemplation before the Blessed Sacrament.

We are grateful to Fr. Richard, Seminarian Greg, and Sr. Lawrence for their inspiring talks and to everyone who participated in the week’s activities. Let us continue to pray for an increase in vocations and for the courage to follow wherever God may lead us.

Live Fully Act Justly Day - Friday 13 September

By Katie Murray-Fawcett Deputy Principal Wellbeing

Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs is looking forward to celebrating our annual Feast Day on Friday 13 September. Staff have been busy preparing food stalls and activities for all our students to enjoy on the day. This is a fantastic day for our community to come together and celebrate our College, however more importantly the opportunity to raise funds for our brothers and sisters of St. Francis Primary School in Kizinga Uganda. 

The stalls include:

  • Showbags
  • Donuts
  • Ice Cream Van
  • Potato Twist Van
  • Fairy Floss
  • Face Paining
  • Jibbbitz Stall
  • Candy and Chocolate Stall
  • Drinks
  • Pizza
  • Coffee Stall
  • Gaming Competition
  • Basketball Competition
  • Dunk Tank
  • Cha Cha
  • Music Trip
  • Dodgem Cars
  • Photobooth
  • Jewellery Making
  • Table Tennis Competition... and much more!!!

The day itself begins with the College coming together to celebrate Mass followed by the recognition of staff service awards and College Captain speeches for 2025. Students will then have plenty of time to enjoy the stalls, activities, rides and lots of yummy food including a free sausage sizzle. The day will conclude with our annual Talent Quest in the College Hall as we get to witness many fabulous acts by a number of our students.

Students and families are reminded:

  • Students are to wear full and correct PE uniform on the day
  • Students will be provided with a token for their lunch (sausage sizzle) at the conclusion of the Mass and Assembly when they return back to their homeroom
  • Students are encouraged to purchase tokens for food and showbags using Card (preferred) from 02/09/24 up to and including LFAJ day. A stall will be set-up outside the library at lunch and recess where students can purchase tokens
  • Pre-purchased tokens will be kept with the homeroom tote bag and given to students on the day of the carnival
  • This day is a College event and it is expected that all students attend, a medical certificate must be provided if your child is absent or arrives late to school

We look forward to coming together as a school community, raising funds for our Uganda Project and celebrating the day.

Year 8 Faith Formation Day – Fr Rob Galea

By Paul Sammut Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

Earlier this month, our Year 8 students had the privilege of participating in a transformative Faith Formation Day led by Fr. Rob Galea. Fr. Rob shared his powerful testimony of discovering God’s love after a tumultuous life of crime during his early teenage years. His story of redemption resonated deeply with our students, offering them a raw and real example of how faith can transform lives.

In the second session, Fr. Rob explored the profound truth that peace is not merely the absence of conflict but the presence of inner strength and resilience amidst life's challenges. He emphasized that while things may sometimes go wrong, we still have the power to maintain our peace. Through engaging stories and practical advice, Fr. Rob provided insights into finding and sustaining peace even in the most turbulent times, offering our Year 8 students tools they can use in their everyday lives.

The day concluded with Fr. Rob offering both our staff and parish members the unique experience of a ‘Teaching Mass.’ This provided valuable insights into the liturgy, enriching our understanding and appreciation of the Eucharist.

Faith Formation Day with Fr. Rob Galea was a significant event in the spiritual lives of our Year 8 students, and we are grateful for the opportunity to have him at our College. Let us continue to pray for Fr. Rob and his ministry so that he may continue to reach the hearts of many with his message of Jesus’ transformative power.

Celebrating the Solemnity of the Feast of the Assumption

By Paul Sammut Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

Last Thursday, our school community gathered to celebrate the Solemnity of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary with a College Mass. This significant occasion in our liturgical calendar was a wonderful witness of our Catholic faith, as we came together to honour Mary, the Mother of God, and seek her intercession in our lives.

The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Jaycee Napoles, the Assistant Master of Ceremonies at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne. In his thoughtful homily, Fr. Jaycee reflected on the significance of the Assumption, highlighting how Mary's entrance into heaven reminds us that, as humans created in God's image, we are both body and soul. He emphasized that one day, we too are called to share in this divine mystery.

The celebration was enriched by the participation of our students and staff, and the choir's beautiful hymns lifted our prayers to God.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, assumed into heaven, continue to watch over our College and inspire us to grow in faith, hope, and love.

National Science Week 2024

By Hayley Iannazzo Learning Area Leader – Science & STEM

During week 5 of term students at CRCCS were involved in celebrating National Science Week. This year’s theme was “Species Survival: More than just sustainability”. The theme aimed to highlight the importance of science and innovation in ensuring the survival of different species in an ever-changing world.

Students were involved in several fun activities during the week. Homerooms completed the daily quiz each morning to test their knowledge about endangered species – congratulations to 8 Wurundjeri for taking out the top prize! Students had the opportunity to create Bee houses to take home, which provide a much-needed habitat for bees in our gardens. Bee populations are declining worldwide, and without Bees our food security and ecosystem health is at risk. Students also competed in lunchtime trivia competitions in the library to see which team’s science knowledge reigned supreme. One of the highlights of the week was a visit from Ranger Mike from Black Snake Productions who visited with a range of threatened and endangered Australian animals for students to see and even hold. The show was very informative, and we learnt about how habitat destruction is one of the leading causes threatening our wildlife. Ranger Mike spoke about ways that we can support our wildlife and gave great examples of people who are doing their part to save local species from extinction.

Overall, National Science Week was a wonderful opportunity for our students to get involved and develop their love of science and learn about how they can make positive changes to ensure the survival of endangered species. Thank you to everyone who took part, and we look forward to celebrating National Science Week again in 2025!

MACSSIS - Letter of Informed Consent

By Ms. Elise Nowak Acting Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS): Monday 2 September – Friday 20 September 2024

Throughout each year, we pause to listen to our students, families and staff to gauge how our learning community is travelling. This feedback is invaluable to our progress as effective school communities and is backed by evidence-based research and best practices.

A significant and formal way in which we engage and gather data is through MACSSIS, the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools School Improvement Surveys.

MACSSIS is a set of surveys that have been built specifically for Catholic schools in Melbourne by the Learning Services team at MACS, in partnership with researchers at Learning First and in wide consultation with principals in our schools.

In 2024, students, families and staff are invited to participate in MACSSIS via our secure and purpose-built online platform. The online platform is where our school leaders will access the summary reports that visualise the results of the student, family and staff surveys.

The MACSSIS survey platform is operated by an independent supplier, ORIMA Research Pty Ltd. The platform meets with the high security and privacy standards for handling student and school data. Participating schools are in the process of updating their privacy policy to ensure school communities are fully informed and protected.

Students at our school will be provided with supervised sessions, where teachers are on hand to help and answer any questions. Families and staff can complete the survey anytime over the three-week window via an emailed link and password. Feedback has indicated that previous surveys were completed across a range of mobile devices and different web browsers. Schools will be providing more information about MACSSIS throughout Term 2 and 3, via newsletters and social media.

Our community’s opinions are critical to understanding how our school is performing – MACSSIS is a key data source for guiding the ongoing work to improve our school.

All participation is invited, welcomed and 100 per cent voluntary. The surveys are not a test; they are an inclusive way to support the work we are already doing to improve our school. Everyone has the right to refuse to participate, or withdraw from the survey at any point before, during or after completion of the survey. Please notify the school if your child does not wish to participate.

If you would like more information, please contact the school.

2024 Whole School Specialty Group Photos

By Danielle Galea Performing Arts Centre and Events Officer

The 2024 Whole School Specialty Group Photos will be held on Monday, 16 September. New students can also take their individual portrait shots before school, during recess, or at lunch.

A detailed schedule for the day will be posted closer to the date on SEQTA for parents and students to view.

Students must wear their full winter uniform on their scheduled photo day. Those taking group photos in alternate uniforms will need to change prior to their photo being taken. Uniforms for sports groups will be provided in the hall. A list of the correct uniform items to be worn is included in the schedule on SEQTA.

Students wearing incorrect uniforms will not have their photos taken.

Any changes to the schedule will be posted on SEQTA notices.

To order sports and specialty group photos, all students involved will receive a hard copy ordering form in Term 4. Parents are asked to follow the instructions on the form to purchase the photos if they wish.

Little Shop of Horrors: Tickets on Sale NOW!

By Miss Allison Caruana PAC & Events Coordinator

Shing-a-ling…what a creepy thing to be happening! Audrey Two comes to life here at Catholic Regional College, Caroline Springs.

Whether you're a die-hard fan or experiencing Little Shop of Horrors for the first time, this production is a must-see for audiences of all ages.


Thursday 29 August 7:30pm (Opening Night)
Friday 30 August 7:30pm
Saturday 31 August 2pm (Matinee)
Saturday 31 August 7:30pm (Closing Night)


We cannot wait to share our wonderful talent with our College Community!

Allison Caruana
Director / Producer

From the Finance Office

2024 School Fees

A reminder to all parents/carers that school fees are to be finalised by 30 November 2024. It is not too late to start a payment plan if required.

If this is an option for you, please contact the finance department or visit the school website to download a form. 

Year 9 Camps - Wednesday 30 October to 1 November 2024

Tax Invoices for Camp were emailed to Parents 22 July 2024

Payments due in FULL by 4 October 2024

Immersion Tasmania 2025 - payment due dates

Payments are due by 08 October 2024 - $1050.00 and 19 November 2024 $1050.00

If you wish to discuss any finance concerns, please reach out to us by phone 9217 8000 extension 2 or email

Thank you,
Finance Department

Five Minutes with Staff - Meet Rory O'Connor

How long have you worked at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs?
This is my first year at CRC Caroline Springs, and I have been loving it so far!

What is your role at the school?
My role here is the Learning Area Leader for Humanities. The area of study has been a passion of mine since I was in high school and I’m thoroughly enjoying sharing my passion with my students and staff.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?
The most rewarding part of teaching is seeing students who have been working hard on a skill or concept and watching it just click and they finally ‘get’ it. Students generally have a hard time hiding their excitement in those moments and its contagious.

What is your ideal way to unwind and relax?
I’m a music lover, so unwinding to me means putting on a soul/jazz record and letting the music wash over me.

When you were little what did you aspire to be?
When I was little, I wanted to play footy for the doggies like my hero at the time, Chris Grant. I still hold out hope for an emergency call up! Or I wanted to be a left-handed Steve Waugh.

What was your favourite subject at school?
Unsurprisingly, my favourite subjects at school were all in the field of the Humanities – I loved Politics, History and Legal Studies the most.

How many languages do you speak?
Other than English, I speak 4 languages – Arabic, Italian, French and a little Mandarin.

What book/tv series/podcasts are you into at the moment?
I’ve just picked up a copy of Bob Bauer’s ‘The Unravelling: Reflections on Politics without Ethics and Democracy in Crisis’ which I’m really looking forward to sinking my teeth into.

What is your favourite sport to watch or play?
My favourite sports are absolutely football and cricket. I spend my winters following the Western Bulldogs and my summers playing cricket for my local club. I’m also a big fan of rugby union.

Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one?
I play guitar (poorly), but I’ve dabbled in a lot of other instruments over my time, like the piano, drums, trombone, saxophone and trumpet.

What would you sing at karaoke night?
‘Torn’ by Natalie Imbruglia is always a crowd pleaser.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
My nonna’s lasagne – heaven on a fork!

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?
I’d love to be able to fly – oh, the places I would go!

What's your favourite holiday destination?
Beirut, Lebanon. Such an amazing city, where history and modernity collide, where you can go skiing in the morning and then kick back by the beach in the afternoon, before an evening of amazing food, fun and frivolity!

What are your hobbies?
My hobbies are fairly varied – I’m a big sports fan, but I also love music and theatre and will go to gigs and shows whenever I can. I love spending time with my family and friends and finding new, amazing things our great city has to offer.

If you had to watch a documentary, what would you want it to be about?
I’m a sucker for a WWII or Cold War documentary!

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