
Grant me, O Lord my God,
a mind to know you,
a heart to seek you,
wisdom to find you,
conduct pleasing to you,
faithful perseverance in waiting for you,
and a hope of finally embracing you.


~ St Thomas Aquinas

    Principal Report

    By Jamie Madigan Principal

    Welcome back to Semester 2, I trust that you had a restful and rejuvenating break. As we embark on this Semester, I am filled with excitement and optimism for the opportunities that lie ahead. The beginning of a new semester is a time for fresh starts and renewed commitments. It's an opportunity for each of us to set new goals, reflect on our progress, and make plans for continued growth.

    Our College motto, 'Live Fully, Act Justly,' serves as a guiding light for us all. It calls us to embrace every aspect of our lives with passion and integrity. As we begin this semester, let us reflect on how we can embody these principles in our daily actions and interactions.

    Living fully means engaging with life wholeheartedly. For our students, this means approaching your studies with enthusiasm and curiosity. Take this opportunity to dive deeper into your subjects, ask questions, and seek understanding. Beyond academics, I encourage you to participate in extracurricular activities, explore new interests, and build meaningful relationships. Each day is a gift, and by living fully, we honour the gifts, talents and opportunities God has given us.

    Acting justly is about embodying the values of fairness, compassion, and honesty in all our actions. As a Catholic school, we are called to follow the teachings of Christ, who exemplified justice and love in every aspect of His life. This semester, let us strive to treat each other with respect and kindness, standing up for what is right and supporting those in need.

    Students, I urge you to consider how you can act justly in your daily lives. This might mean standing up against bullying, helping a classmate in need, or participating in our social justice projects and activities. Small acts of kindness and justice can have a profound impact on our community and the world around us.

    Our school is a place where each individual is valued and supported. As we move forward into this semester, let us continue to foster a sense of belonging and inclusivity. Support one another in your endeavours, celebrate each other’s successes, and approach challenges with empathy and understanding. Together, we can create a community where everyone feels empowered to live fully and act justly.

    Our Catholic faith is central to everything we do. Through prayer, reflection, and action, we can deepen our relationship with God and live out our faith in meaningful ways. This semester, let us seek to integrate our spiritual values into our everyday lives, using them as a foundation for our actions and decisions.

    As we embark on this new semester, let us do so with a sense of purpose and enthusiasm, guided by our motto to 'Live Fully and Act Justly'. Together, we can overcome challenges, celebrate successes, and make this semester a memorable part of our educational journey here at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs.

    RESPECT Theme 2024

    Always treat others as you would have them treat you (Matthew 7:12)

    As we begin a new semester we are reminded of the wonderful prospect for new beginnings and to be the best we are called to be. With each new beginning comes the opportunity to prosper and find success in all we do. Our theme this year as a college community is 'RESPECT' - Respect for self, others and the environment which is outlined in the diagram below:

    I give you a new commandment: Love one another as I have loved you (John 13:34)

    Respect is not just a virtue but a fundamental expression of our faith and humanity. It forms the basis of our interactions and responsibilities within our school community and beyond. Respecting oneself begins with recognising our inherent worth and dignity as creations of God. Respect for others is fundamental to building a compassionate and just community. Respecting the environment is a reflection of our gratitude for God's creation and our responsibility as its stewards.

    In our Catholic school community, respect for self, others, and the environment is not merely an ideal but a daily practice. It is reflected in the way we treat each other and in our commitment to personal growth, and being the best we are called to be.

    Let us strive to embody respect in all aspects of our lives, following the example of Christ who taught us to love God and our neighbours as ourselves. By doing so, we not only honour our faith but also contribute to a more just, compassionate, and sustainable world.

    Term 3 Co-curricular Clubs and Groups and Learning Support Programs

    Participation in extra-curricular activities, including creative arts and sports, leadership and culture, has a significant impact on a student's learning growth in the cognitive, affective and physical domains of learning. Extra-curricular activities help build social, emotional and physical skills; they teach independence, resilience and teamwork; they build initiative and creativity; they teach persistence, problem-solving, communication and collaboration (Bloomfield & Barber, 2011; Eccies, Barber, Stone & Hunt, 2003; Durlak & Weissberg, 2007). Longitudinal research from Australia suggests that students who participate in a greater variety of activities have higher levels of academic and social self-concept, and general self-worth (Blomfield, Barber & Modecki, 2013).

    We are proud that at Catholic Regional College we have an extensive range of Co-curricular Clubs and Groups as well as Learning Support Programs available to all students. I encourage parents to click on the links below and discuss with their child which co-curricular club or learning support program they would like to be part of in Semester 2.

    Term 3 Clubs and Groups
    Term 3 Learning Support Programs

    Please be reminded that tomorrow, Friday 26 July, is a STUDENT FREE DAY. 

    Jamie Madigan

    Annual Staff Faith Formation Day

    By Sr Lawrence Nicolas, LIHM College Chaplain

    Semester 2 is well underway, and there was no better way to start than with our annual Staff Faith Day! On Monday 15 July, we gathered as a staff cohort to deepen our awareness of God’s presence in our lives under the theme of 'Christ-centred living,' inspired by John 10:10: “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

    The day featured a keynote address by Fr. Dan Serratore, MGL, along with workshops presented by Fr. Nicholas Pearce, Fr. Francis Denton, Lucas Nardella, James Carroll, Gregory Lewis, and myself, Sr. Lawrence Nicolas, LIHM. Each session related in various ways to the truth that God and faith are not fragmented parts of our lives but rather the path to living fully when integrated into our day-to-day existence.

    Indeed, it was an awe-inspiring day amidst the backdrop of the Macedon Ranges. Surrounded by the majesty of nature, it was easy to be reminded of God’s presence in and around us as we sought to enlighten our minds and hearts, grounded in truth, goodness, and beauty. Despite the cold and wet weather of the day, we pray that the renewed presence of Christ rekindles the warmth of faith and childlike joy in our hearts.

    The theme of 'Christ-centred living' is central to our mission as a Catholic school. Our commitment to nurturing the whole person—spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally—is reinforced through days like these. As we continue our work, let us strive to embody these values in our daily interactions with students and colleagues. By fostering a supportive and faith-filled environment, we can help our students live fully and act justly, guiding them on their own journeys of faith, learning, and growth.

    Sr Lawrence Nicolas, LIHM
    College Chaplain

    The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus

    By Paul Sammut Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

    The Church devotes the month of July to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus, and we celebrate the traditional feast on July 1. On this day, and throughout the month of July, the Church encourages us to meditate on the profound sacrifice of Jesus and the pouring out of His blood for humanity. Currently, in the United States, the Catholic Church is celebrating the National Eucharistic Congress. Following this event, it has been beautiful to witness thousands of Catholics adoring the Blessed Sacrament. The Eucharist has traveled all over the United States, culminating in a gathering at Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, Indiana. The aim of the Congress is to restore the truth that Christ comes to us in the Eucharist, offering Himself to us: Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. He nourishes us, offering Himself as 'our daily bread'.

    It is easy for us to overlook this extraordinary gift, and at times we forget that Jesus is not symbolically present in the Eucharist but truly present! This is why we offer our staff and students the opportunity to encounter Christ in the Mass celebrated many times during the year and on a weekly basis through our class Masses with the parish and our Friday 8am Mass, which I encourage families, students, and staff to attend. The devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus reminds us that it is the 'source and summit of our faith'. You can access some of the wonderful and inspiring addresses of the conference here.

    Paul Sammut
    Director of Catholic Identity and Mission

    Sustainability Committee: New Bin System

    By Mihini Rodrigo Year 10

    Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,

    Since 2021, the CRCCS Sustainability Committee has been working diligently to reduce our global footprint. Our mission is to:

    • Advocate for the environment
    • Raise community awareness, education, engagement, and participation
    • Establish sustainable programs

    We are pleased to introduce a new bin system at CRCCS starting this term. This initiative is part of our ongoing efforts to embrace change and reflects our vision as CRC students, to responsibly steward the Earth. The Sustainability Committee is dedicated to reducing CRCCS's global footprint and fostering sustainability within our community. Here’s what you need to know:

    New Bin System: Red and Yellow Bins

    General Waste (Red Bins)

    • All general waste should be placed in the red bins. If you are unsure which bin to use, always opt for the red bin to avoid contamination.
    • Remember, the red bins are for landfill items only.

    Recycling (Yellow Bins)

    • Yellow bins are similar to your household recycling bins. They are for recyclable items only.
    • Please ensure that only the following items are placed in the yellow bins:
    • Glass bottles and jars
    • Hard plastic containers and bottles
    • Aluminum tin cans
    • Paper
    • No soft plastics
    • No coffee cups or lids

    Charopy Bins for Fundraising

    We are proud to be one of the few schools in Victoria to have Charopy bins. Similar to the Container Deposit Schemes, these bins will collect cans and bottles, donating 10 cents for each item to our sister school in Uganda. Our initial goal is to raise $1000 by encouraging each student to deposit just 10 cans.

    Charopy Bins

    • Cans or bottles with barcodes should be scanned and placed in the Charopy bins once the green light appears.
    • Charopy bins are located in the cafeteria and around the college.

    Bin Placement and Usage

    • General Outside Bins: All general waste goes into the red bins located outside.
    • Inside MacKillop: Two bin stations will be installed in the downstairs corridor and staff room, each with red (landfill), yellow (recycling), and blue (paper) bins. Clear visuals will guide you on what can be placed in each bin.

    Living Justly and Stewardship

    As a Catholic school, it is our duty to live justly and practice stewardship. Our motto, ‘Live Justly,’ and the pillar of stewardship, reminds us of our responsibility to care for the earth and support those in need.

    "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it." – 1 Corinthians 10:26

    By participating in the new bin system, we can minimise landfill contributions and support our community and St Francis of Kizinga, Uganda. Our Maintenance and Cleaning Team will work to ensure waste is correctly sorted and not contaminated and we deeply thank them for this.

    Mihini Rodrigo on behalf of the CRCCS Sustainability Committee

    Year 10 Formal

    By Rita Youssef Year 10 Student

    Formal is a highlight for all students. It’s where so many memories are made, and friendships are created and is an environment away from school where students can bond.

    Formal for me was an amazing experience. I was able to spend it with my closest friends and create so many memories, whether that be on the dance floor, at the photo booth or even at our tables where we ate the delicious food served to us. It was such a fun night and we were all so upset when it came to an end.

    Formal was a way of celebrating for the Year 10s, as it was the day after our final exam and I believe this is what made formal so amazing. We were all stress-free and happy that a difficult period was over. Formal was also the mark of completion of the first half of our final year at CRCCS. Thinking about this is bittersweet as it reminds us about all the accomplishments made in our time at this school, and how close the end of our time here is.

    Overall, this night is a highlight of my high school experience, and I am so grateful that I was able to attend this event. On behalf of the Year 10 cohort, we would like to thank Mr Pisani for organising the event and creating a fantastic atmosphere for all students to enjoy.

    Rita Youssef
    Year 10

    NAPLAN 2024 Results

    By Elise Nowak Acting Deputy Principal Learning and Teaching

    NAPLAN 2024 results have been posted home to parents/carers with children in Year 7 and /or Year 9. Please contact the College if this mail is not received in the near future.

    Little Shop of Horrors: Tickets on Sale NOW!

    By Miss Allison Caruana PAC & Events Coordinator

    Shing-a-ling…what a creepy thing to be happening! Audrey Two comes to life here at Catholic Regional College, Caroline Springs.

    Whether you're a die-hard fan or experiencing Little Shop of Horrors for the first time, this production is a must-see for audiences of all ages.


    Thursday 29 August 7:30pm (Opening Night)
    Friday 30 August 7:30pm
    Saturday 31 August 2pm (Matinee)
    Saturday 31 August 7:30pm (Closing Night)


    We cannot wait to share our wonderful talent with our College Community!

    Allison Caruana
    Director / Producer

    New Youth Minister - Angella Francis

    By Angella Francis Youth Minister

    My name is Angella Francis. I’ve had the pleasure of joining as the youth minister at CRC Caroline Springs in March 2024. 

    I am a psychology student, been young adults’ leader at St Peter Apostle Mission Parish for the past 6 years, and I’ve done university ministry with the Archdiocese of Melbourne. 

    I am passionate about my work here because I want to be a source of love and support for the students. My goal is to create opportunities for them to discover meaningful connections and insights, particularly in everyday experiences. By helping them recognise the importance of their presence and value, I aim to foster a sense of belonging and purpose. Through nurturing their spiritual journey, they can develop into the remarkable individuals they are meant to be.

    Angella Francis
    Youth Minister

    SACCSS Chess Tournament

    By Natalie Hamill Librarian

    On Monday, 22 July, 22 students from our school participated in the annual SACCSS Chess tournament. Approximately 300 students from 16 schools competed in this event. Each student played 7 games of chess with nearly all of our students winning the majority of their games. This was a very pleasing result and a fitting reward for the hours of practise the students have been applying into improving their skills. Congratulations to our Intermediate team for placing second (only one point behind the winning team). Also, a special mention to Bavly Sedrak for being awarded a bronze medal for his individual performance. 

    Junior Team: Noah Ng, Levi West, Nathan Tran, Matejas Juric, Nathaniel Del Mundo, Dion Turner, Zach Pilekic and Evan Santiago

    Intermediate Team: Ivan Kolceg, Gabriel Lazarevski, Ethan Tu, Xavier Faustino, Bavly Sedrak, Harrison Payne, Daniel Thanh and Chase Grima

    Senior Team: Lorenzo Calingan, Sebastian Carrier, Mikheak Al Jamil, Xavier Bernard, Denzel Espinosa and Bradley Podolczak

    Well done to all of the students who represented our school in an exemplary manner!

    Natalie Hamill

    From the Finance Office

    By Simone Isa Finance Assistant

    2024 School Fees

    2024 School Fee notice and Fee Payment Agreements were mailed home. If you have not received them, please contact the finance department or visit the school website.

    If you have changed home address or email details please also update the school.

    2024 Payment arrangements are due back as soon as possible as fees are to be finalised by November 2024 unless prior arrangement is in place.

    Year 9 Camps - Wednesday 30 October to 1 November 2024

    Tax Invoices for Camp were emailed to parents on 22 July 2024

    Payments due in FULL by 4 October 2024

    If you wish to discuss any finance concerns, please reach out to us by phone 9217 8000 extension 2 or email

    Thank you, 
    Finance Department

    Community Support and Programs

    By Tim Kemp Community Liaison


    Hello Families,

    We understand that families are facing many different challenges, if you need support, please find services from local councils that include assistance with financial, food, health and wellbeing amongst others by clicking on the relevant link below.

    For families in the Brimbank Council area please use this link:
    Crisis support services | Brimbank

    For families in the Melton Council are please use this link:
    Services Melton City Council


    Our breakfast club has been very popular. The promise of a toasted cheese sandwich, fruit and the occasional yoghurt pouch literally has students lining out the door. We are kept busy feeding about 150 students every Wednesday morning. A big thank you to Eat Up (Home | Eat Up) who provide the snacks and sandwiches each week.


    If your young person has outgrown any parts of their uniform and they are in good condition, please drop them off at reception. The college always has need for spare pieces in case of accidents and to assist families in need.


    Late last term we provided some students with tickets to the Richmond versus Hawthorn game. This was the first time they had attended an AFL match and the first time they had been to the MCG. What a match it was a big crowd, Dustin Martin’s 300th game and a surging Hawthorn team! The students hadn’t experienced anything like it; the size of the ground, the walk up to level 4, the noise of the crowd and the smell of hot pies. It was a very enjoyable day and to top it off their team won.

    Keep healthy and warm.

    Tim Kemp
    Community Liaison

    Five Minutes with Staff - Meet Katie Murray-Fawcett

    How long have you worked at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs? 
    This is my third year here at CRC Caroline Springs

    What is your role at the school?
    Deputy Principal Wellbeing

    What is the most rewarding part of your job?
    Forming positive relationships with all the students, staff and families that I work with

    What is your ideal way to unwind and relax? 
    Dinners with family and friends

    What's your most fond childhood memory?
    Fond memories of going to the footy and seeing the kangaroos win two premierships (back in the days when they used to win lots of games)

    When you were little what did you aspire to be?
    A chef

    What was your favourite subject at school?

    How many languages do you speak? 
    Just one (but I would love to learn another)

    What skill would you like to master?
    Being able to play an instrument, probably the piano

    What book/tv series/podcasts are you into at the moment?
    At the moment I am reading ‘All the Light we cannot see’ and some of my favorite TV series at the moment would be Bridgerton. My favorite podcast is Smartless.

    What is your favourite sport to watch or play?

    Do you play a musical instrument? If so, which one?

    What would you sing at karaoke night?
    Anything from the 80s, too many to pick

    If you could choose to be anything or a day, what would it be?
    A singer on Broadway

    If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?
    Able to fly

    What's your favourite holiday destination?

    Do you collect anything?
    Probably too many clothes and shoes

    What are your hobbies?
    I love going to see musicals and my favorite is Les Miserables

    What is something you could spend hours doing?
    Reading and watching movies

    If you had to watch a documentary, what would you want it to be about?
    Movie stars or cooking

    How have your interests changed over the years?
    Definitely, priorities change as you get older and I love watching my boys play basketball and football and seeing the joy they get from their sport.

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