By Mr John Edwards Digital Technology Course Convenor
Here is an insight into how Year 9 Digital Technology is being delivered remotely. Students this semester are learning to program using the Python programming language and that is challenging in the classroom, but even more so during remote learning.
The image below shows the student’s SEQTA for Week 1 of Semester 2.
The following information is provided to create a platform for student success during remote learning:
Topic for the Week
Student Learning Intentions
Work To Be Completed
Links & Other Useful Information
Students have a clear understanding of what work needs to be completed each week and that is further enhanced through the use of MS Teams meetings at the start of each lesson.
Worksheets, reference cards and videos all combine to provide as much instruction as possible. The videos provided are both teacher created and from additional sources.
When students are working they find that splitting their screen allows them to watch their Python videos and use their Python programming platform at the same time.
I hope this provides an insight into digital technology and remote learning.