By Ms Tiffany Azzopardi and Ms Jamie Lafferrairie Year 7 Level Leaders

Year 7 Camp is always a mixed bag of emotions. Some are extremely excited, some are nervous, some cannot wait to get away with their friends and some probably feel a mixture of things. Though, with all these feelings aside, Ms. Lafferrairie and I are so proud to report, that the Year 7 Camp was a great success.

Camp Manyung often preaches to our students that their camp experience is “challenged by choice” whereby students push themselves to their own limits to participate in a variety of activities. We are super proud of the many students who leapt, jumped, swam, and swung into new experiences such as ‘The Giant Swing’, ‘Tree Top Challenge’, ‘Water Rafting’, and so much more! For many this was their first experience away from home and they showed great resilience being put into a new situation.

A special shout out to all the students who participated in our very first “Year 7 Camp Talent Quest”. It was another great opportunity for our students to share their gifts and talents. An honourable mention to our two winners:

Camp 1: Maksymilian P

Camp 2: Jayden U

We would also like to thank the many staff who attended Year 7 Camp. Their effort, collegiality, and care whilst away, is to be commended. Our students are very lucky to have such supportive staff who give up their own time, so that our students can experience new things.

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