By Jasmine P, Janelle M and Gabriella L Year 7 Students

Article One:

At Year 7 camp, we made lots of spectacular memories that we will forever cherish. It was also an opportunity to overcome many of our fears.

During our camp we participated in a lot of fun activities such as the giant swing, snorkelling, flying fox and so much more. We were very lucky to be near sunny side beach and even luckier to go there. On my first day I was very fortunate to be able to go to the beach. I had snorkelling as my first activity and enjoyed it so much. I was able to make some new friends and shared many laughs with them while we were snorkelling. After snorkelling we had raft building, during raft building we had to communicate with new people, and it was very fun. Our raft ended up sinking but I was fine with that because we all got to swim afterwards.

On the second day I had the best activity at the whole camp, the giant swing. I was very certain I wanted to go to the top. I may or may not had let out a few screams, but the view was amazing. Even though we were lucky enough to have the opportunity to do those amazing activities, they were not the highlight of my Year 7 camp.

The highlight for me was the friendships I made. At first, I was a little sceptical about my cabin, but I ended up becoming really good friends with all of them. They were all so amazing and I will cherish the friendships I had with them. I also became closer with people in my homeroom and now I hang out with them every day.

Some advice I’d give to anyone is to make the most of camp, as it can easily be an experience that you could easily take for granted. Thank you for taking the time to read my experience of Year 7 camp.

Jasmine P - 7 Wonga

Article Two:

I would really love to start off with how this camp was such a great experience for me. I must say that my friends and I have had such an enjoyable time experiencing new things and even managing to make new friends! Even though some of us were disappointed that we had to miss a few activities that we wanted to do, I think it’s agreeable that it was fun to try new experiences that most of us never did, and I must say, I was not wrong.

Archery, flying fox, and kitchen garden were a great experience, however in my honest opinion, the giant swing was the best activity because of its intensity and how pleasing the view was when you reached the top. It was funny to see people scream as they swung down from the giant swing because of its scary height.

I learnt that trying new things can help you seek more of the world. I would really advise everyone to get up and seek new hobbies they might like.

Lastly, I want to thank all the teachers who gave up their time to make this a spectacular camp. This is what my experience in Mount Eliza is.

Janelle M - 7 Wonga

Article Three:

Hi, my name is Gabriella L from 7 Coranderrk, and I would like to share my experience of Year 7 camp.

On the way to camp it was a long ride of an hour and 50 minutes, but it was all worth the journey. When we arrived at the campgrounds, we met Pea (head instructor of Manyung) and settled into our cabins. All throughout the days of the camp, we did many different activities testing our abilities such as archery, the giant swing, scuba diving, water safety, raft building, biking, high ropes, crate climb, student leadership and a lot more.

During my camp experience, there were many highlights, like the talent show, playing UNO and chatting with my cabin mates and friends, making new friendships, and doing adventurous things I’d never thought I’d do.

On the last day of camp, it was very sad and heartbreaking knowing we had to leave and get back home to reality. My advice to campers would be:

One, the walls of the cabins are paper thin so you can hear what’s going on in the other cabins which is probably how the teachers could hear us laughing and having fun.

Two, go to camp with an open mind and prepared to have loads of fun and be willing to take part in all the activities camp has to offer.

The days on camp go by so fast and before we knew it, it was day three and we were all packing and leaving to go back home. ‘Go with the flow’, try out all activities, do everything camp has to offer because trust me this is a wonderful life experience that you would want the memories to replay, repeatedly.

I had an amazing camp experience and enjoyed myself from the get-go.

Gabriella L - 7 Coranderrk

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