Dear Families,
At Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs, we support the rights of all members of the school community to be provided with, and engage in, a safe, inclusive, and supportive learning environment. Consistent with this philosophy we have recently updated our ICT Acceptable Use Policy, which includes measures for the appropriate, effective and equitable use of ICT at the College.
This extends to the use of digital tools and online communities and is underpinned by our expectation of safe and responsible behaviour of all members of the school community.
At Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs, we:
- educate our students to be safe and responsible users of digital technologies
- raise our students’ awareness of issues such as online privacy, intellectual property and copyright
- supervise and support students when using digital technologies within the classroom and establish clear protocols and procedures when working in online spaces. This includes reviewing and considering the safety and appropriateness of online tools and communities
- provide a filtered internet service, but acknowledge that full protection from inappropriate content can never be guaranteed
- respond to issues or incidents that have the potential to impact on the wellbeing of our students including those reported through online services and know that some online activities are illegal and as such we are required to report this to the appropriate authorities.
The ICT Acceptable Use Policy has been endorsed by the College’s Leadership Team and our Federation Compliance Manager and is now enabled within the College.
Please click here to read over this policy with your son/daughter(s) to ensure you understand and are familiar with all the elements in the policy.
If you have any questions relating to the ICT Acceptable Use Policy, please contact the Digital Learning Services Manager.