By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice and Service-Learning Leader

All life is created in the image and likeness of God, this is referred to as ‘Imago Dei’. A simple yet very fundamental core of what we, the Social Justice team embrace while sharing our gifts and talents with our CRCCS community. The parable of the goat and sheep reminds us of this, “Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine you did not do for me” Matthew 25:31-46. It leaves us with the concept that everyone is our neighbour and where we see or feel a need, we must act.

For this edition of the Newsletter, team members were asked to share their view on what Social Justice means to them. Please enjoy what these young inspirational students had to say:

Social Justice, at least to me, is our way of carrying out what Jesus taught, “Love thy neighbour as thyself,” (Matthew 22:39). We as a community are blessed with the privileges and opportunities to be able to do things of great help for our brothers and sisters who may be less fortunate. Through our work as a Social Justice team, we’ve been able to do just that. I find great happiness in knowing all our hard work, passion and commitment go towards doing something wonderful for the sake of others.  Angel 9MW

Social Justice is for everybody and can be interpreted differently.  To me, at its most basic definition is that every single human being’s rights are upheld and respected. Humans are made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, the human person has dignity that must be respected. Social justice is based upon rights, access and participation. Each human being must have access to opportunities and equality in order for our world to be just. The world needs social justice at its core so we can live in peace, tranquillity and equality. Rosabeth Moss Kanter said, “It takes COURAGE to SPEAK UP against complacency and injustice while others remain silent, but that’s what leadership is.” Suzy Kassem said, “SPEAK UP, STAND UP, and keep correcting the false perceptions. STAY TRUE to your heart’s views and keep chanting for PEACE and JUSTICE.” Ivanka Portelli 9MW

To me, Social Justice is more than a Catholic group. It’s a group that dedicates their time to helping others and strives for a community where everyone has what they need. I have enjoyed working towards this goal as a member of the team this year. Alexandra 10BU

Social justice to me is a necessity so that people are treated with equity to be able to help themselves and others. Maria 10MK

To me, Social Justice means fighting for everyone's rights and making sure that people who can't fight for themselves still get a fair say in what they want. Our job in the Social Justice team is to help people in need and support everyone in our community. I really enjoy working in the team and it is a great experience for anyone who joins. Ava 9CO

Being part of the Social Justice team has always allowed me to help give back to the community through being kind and sharing different things. It has taught me many things, but most importantly to help others in need. The past years have been tough on everyone, and everyone has struggled in a different way, but the team has always been there to give back help those affected by COVID. I enjoy it and I am proud to be part of the 2021 Social Justice team. Christina 9WO

Thank you for taking the time out to reflect on what this means to you!

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