It has been an incredibly busy Semester for all of our students in 2024 and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate them on their efforts thus far. At the beginning of the year we spoke around the theme of ‘Respect’ and I am proud to say that we have seen an improvement in the way our students respect themselves, each other, the staff and our school. We challenged them to take pride in meeting College expectations when it comes to their school uniform, student behaviour, work ethic and their attendance.
At the Year Level Assemblies this week I have asked our students to set goals for themselves for next term. I spoke around taking the time on the school holidays to reflect and think about something they could be doing better going into Term 3. This could be a focus on joining an extra-curricular activity, improving their working relationships with teachers, improving punctuality or attending the support programs we offer after school for English, Maths and Homework. Setting personal goals for school is a great way to stay motivated and focused on your academic and wellbeing journey.
Student Development Days for Semester One have gone very smoothly and are an important part of the Wellbeing support here at the College. We have focused on such topics as:
- Year 7-Team Building and Healthy Habits, Respectful Relationships For Me and You
- Year 8-Bullying and Risk taking
- Year 9-Diversity and Mental Health
- Year 10-Safe Partying and Pathways
I would like to thank the staff that have supported the days by running workshops and our Director of Student Wellbeing Mr Luke Lentini for assisting in facilitating each one. We are excited about the Student Development Days for the rest of the year ahead and would like to remind students and families that these days are a compulsory College event that will be included on their Semester reports.
Finally, I would like to thank the staff in the Wellbeing team for the continuous work they do with our students each and every day. They go above and beyond to support student wellbeing and often have to manage some complex issues. Despite these challenges, they continue to have positive relationships with our students, striving to ensure each of our young people recognises their strengths and potential.
I would like to wish our staff, students and families a safe holiday break and we look forward to working with you again in Term 3.