By Ms Elise Nowak Learning and Teaching Leader Data Analysis

On Monday 1 May, the College is hosting a hybrid Student Parent Teacher Interview (SPTI) event, scheduled from 9:00am to 8:00pm. There will be no scheduled classes for students on this day.

In response to parent/carer and teacher feedback, parents/carers will be able to select to have their interview either face-to-face or remotely, via Microsoft Teams. Each interview will be 10-minutes in duration, with a 5-minute break between each interview.

The interviews are designed to provide students, parents/carers and teachers an opportunity to discuss progress throughout Term 1 and as a time for setting learning goals for Term 2.

Bookings will open for parents/carers via the Parent Teacher Online (PTO) platform from 9:00am Wednesday 12 April and close at 9:00am on Friday 28 April.

When booking via PTO, parents/carers will enter their interview mode preference in the ‘Phone number/contact details’ field, as shown by the image below.

  • ‘Face to face’ should be entered to indicate the parent/carer and student will be attending the College onsite for a face to face interview.
  • ‘Teams’ should be entered to indicate the parent/carer and student will be attending their interview remotely via Teams.

If joining remotely, the process remains the same as previous SPTIs.

Instructions on how to access PTO and make bookings, together with how to join a scheduled Teams interview will be sent to your College registered email address inbox on Thursday 6 April.

Students are expected to be present for the duration of all booked interviews with their parent/carer either at the College or from a suitable place at home. Students are also expected to be dressed appropriately for the interview as outlined in the Student Parent Teacher Interviews - Microsoft Teams Policy.

Parents are asked to adhere to the booked times and abide by the Parent/Carer Guardian Code of Conduct during SPTIs. Interpreters will be made available for parents as required.

You may download a copy of the Microsoft Teams: Student and Parent Guidelines, Student Parent Teacher Interviews - Microsoft Teams Policy and Parent/Carer/Guardian Code of Conduct by clicking on the links here.

If you have any questions, or need any assistance, please contact the College Reception on 9217 8000.

Please note, the following teachers will not be in attendance on the day:

Ms Sandra Mobbs
Ms Thao Nguyen-Lye
Mr Dino Conversano
Ms Olivia Reljic
Ms Janet Pepper
Ms Jenny Strati

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