As a Wellbeing Team we strive to set high standards when it comes to a number of areas such as behaviour, uniform, lateness and attendance. We understand that at times, young people are going to make mistakes and test boundaries and our priority is to work through these concerns and ultimately move forward. Building positive relationships with our students underpins all that we do at the College and through our use of policies and processes we want to be consistent in how we work with students and families.
At times, students do need to take responsibility for their actions and through our restorative practices we discuss the impact our actions can have on ourselves and others. Through these discussions our students also come to understand that their actions result in certain consequences. Our Recall and Points system is a process that is followed when it comes to infringements concerning uniform, behaviour and lateness. Behaviour can obviously involve a variety of different concerns such as child safety, bullying, disrespect, damage to school property etc. The Student Management Grid below hopefully provides a better understanding as to how we do manage behaviour and expectations here at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs.
Wellbeing Leaders always appreciate the support of our families regarding college processes with student management and value your open communication and respect when following up any matters concerning your child.