By Ms Matilda Mattar Social Justice and Service Learning Leader

The first mission for the Social Justice team in 2022, was to spread the love throughout the College community. Love is something that we can all relate to and should be something we all strive to do in our day-to-day lives. How wonderful would the world be if we loved unconditionally, while living out the motto, ‘live fully act justly’?

The Bible says that God is love, making the Word of God the perfect source to reinforce that, “Anyone who does not love does not know God, because – God is Love” (1 John 4:8).

At the front gate, the team greeted the College community with smiles and happy vibes, reminding each one that they are part of a bigger body. Spreading love comes at no cost, it’s a priceless gesture that naturally lifts the spirits of all involved. On this day St Valentines worked through the Social Justice team and the results were special.

Students took a minute to jot down, on a little heart, what “love is” to them. We had family, friends, pets, neighbours, and nuggets even made the list. The display stands boldly and brightly on display.

Simple tips in keeping the love alive:

  • Say thank you
  • Greet others
  • Help them out
  • Say something nice
  • Be supportive
  • Show compassion
  • Pray for them

May our Lord be your role model, as His love supply is never empty.

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