By Carlos, Tomasso and Lucas Social Justice Team members

Spoken from the heart, three Social Justice team members worked together to present to the Year 9 Cohort during the end of term Assembly. This presentation is filled with passion for all of us to feed off.

Speech – Carlos, Tomasso and Lucas

This year, we are part of the CRC Caroline Springs Social Justice Team, and we are very excited to tell you all about what our team has been doing in the first term of 2023.  

If you didn’t know already, the team hosts events throughout the year to promote our school motto, Live Fully Act Justly. There issa lot of things we do behind the scenes, and our intentions are a lot deeper than giving people a little bit of paper to write their name on at the start of the day.  
The four pillars of CRCCS are what we want everyone in this school to embed in their hearts, not just for the 4 years they are here, but for the remainder of their lives. It makes a huge difference to see what only four words can do to a person's entire personality.

The biggest factor in the Social Justice team is Compassion. We wake up, get to school at 8:20am, and we think about all the opportunities we get to change a person’s perspective on how something so small can mean so much to one person. This is why we promote our fundraisers so much, especially in these times where we have poverty, social prejudice, and other issues we experience in our lifetimes, even though these issues should have been eradicated ages ago.  

Helping people is why we do this job, not just to give people free food when they walk into school, but more so to make a difference in the world we live in. Simple 50 cents from each student at school can make such a huge difference to our surrounding brothers and sisters.    

Overall, all these events are thought out and planned carefully. This term, selling Green Jelly on Saint Patrick's Day, and the organizing of a bake sale, were just a few of the events organized to help people who are less fortunate than us.


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