R U OK Day is a wonderful cause which helps build awareness on the importance of checking in on one another. The mission is to inspire and empower people to connect with others in their world and lend support where struggles exist.
We should not have to wait for this day to check in on our loved ones. R U OK is a prevention charity aimed at helping individuals through difficult times. However, we should be doing this day in, day out. No matter how big or small the issue, that feeling when somebody notices, and cares is priceless and often lifesaving.
All decks were on board for the week, with the Social Justice, Student Leaders, Wellbeing and Staff Association all collaborating and working together to ensure that the message was loud and clear. It was a bright and informative week.
Always remember to check in on one another and make sure the people around you are OK, or more so, ARE THEY REALLY OK?
Wishing all our CRCCS community a restful, well deserved term break.