By Ms Lucy Swan Acting Principal

It has been an honour and pleasure to serve the Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs community this term. There have been so many wonderful achievements this term and much to celebrate. Just this week we hosted our Inaugural Twilight Music Concert. The CRCCS community gathered to celebrate the incredible talent and hard work of our student musicians, who have dedicated countless hours to perfecting their craft and honing their skills. Wednesday’s concert featured new Year 7 Instrumental students including our first Trombone students and a new Ensemble at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs the Stage Band who recently played at the Catholic Education Week Concert at the Treasury Gardens.

I was thrilled to see so many families attend, eager to support our talented young musicians and enjoy a wonderful evening of music under the stars. This event marked the last concert on the Hogan Green before construction commences on the new three storey building (which includes a new home for Music classes). Very exciting!

These student performers have demonstrated remarkable creativity, leadership, and commitment to bringing this event to life. We are incredibly proud of their hard work and dedication; their performances were nothing short of amazing.

I also want to take a moment to recognise our incredible music teachers who have inspired and guided our students along the way. Their tireless dedication and commitment to our students’ musical education is truly admirable, and we are all fortunate to have them as part of our community. We were also joined by our Social Justice Team who provided the BBQ, lollies, and drinks as a fundraiser for our Uganda Project St Francis Primary School, Kizinga and Caritas.

More Socials Less Newsletters

As of Term Two we will be sharing more updates and information on our social media platforms to enhance timely communication to our College community. To keep up to date with the College please follow us on Instagram/Facebook, College Website and SEQTA Engage.

On Instagram/Facebook you will find: (link)

Event reminders

Activity, Camp and Excursion updates

Social Justice Activities

Alumni opportunities

Musicals & Concerts

Student reminders

On our College Website you will find: 


School Calendar


On SEQTA Engage you will find: 

Lessons and assessments and feedback and results

Interim & Semester Reports

Communication from teaching staff

Pastoral Care information


Absences & Lates

The College Newsletter will continue to be published in weeks 5 and 10 of each Term to highlight and capture detailed information pertaining to Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs.

Holy Season

I would like to take a moment to wish you and your families a very holy and happy Easter.

Easter is a time of reflection, renewal, and hope when we are reminded of the incredible sacrifice that was made for us and the hope that it brings. We are also reminded of the power of faith and the transformative impact that it can have on our lives. It is a time when we come together as a community to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the promise of new beginnings.

I would like to thank our teachers who through their dedication, compassion, and unwavering commitment to our faith, inspire young minds to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and faith. Our hope it that our students will come away from this Easter season with a deeper understanding of these values and how they can apply them to their own lives in living out our College motto Live Fully Act Justly.

Finally, we want to express our gratitude for your ongoing support of our school community and your child’s education. I hope that this Easter season brings you renewed hope, joy, and peace. May you feel the warmth of God’s love in your heart and know that your support is valued and appreciated.

Term 2 Student Return Date

Please note that Tuesday 25 April is the ANZAC day public holiday and Monday 24 April is a student free day. Students will return to the College on Wednesday 27 April (students are expected to wear full winter uniform for Terms Two and Three).

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