By Mr Jamie Madigan Principal

Today, Friday 11 November we celebrated Remembrance Day, which is celebrated on the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month. A whole school ceremony was held in the College and was hosted by our student leaders, who are to be commended on their efforts. A minutes’ silence was also observed and dedicated to those soldiers who died fighting to protect the nation. We remember in faith all who have served, and continue serving in our armed forces, especially those who have died and those wounded in battle.

We also remember at this time to pray for healing and peace; that one day, all peoples will lay down their arms and embrace one another as brothers and sisters in one human family. Lord our God, on this day of remembrance, we entrust all our prayers and needs to your infinite mercy. Help us to become ever more mindful of the bonds that unite us as a human family despite our differences. Heal our inner wounds and outward divisions, that one day our world might live in your true and lasting peace.

Timetable 2023:

As you may be aware, this year the College moved to a new timetable of 5 x 60-minute periods per day. This has been quite well received with regards to the brevity of the lesson, better supporting the ability of the students to remain fully engaged for the entire duration of the lesson. However, based on feedback from staff and students on the 5 lessons per day structure, we have uncovered some issues with the current structure that we are confident can be addressed through refinement of our timetable.

The larger of these issues has highlighted that the 5 lessons in a day structure is difficult for our students to prepare for, and can appear overwhelming both within the day, and throughout the 10-day cycle. Some students have identified that they are unable to adapt to the pace and requirements of needing to focus through five different subjects/content within each day. Additionally, our students highlight the increased pressure on them to complete homework for up to 5 subjects each evening, in preparation for the next day of 5 lessons, which can be overwhelming when considered over a 10-day cycle.

After careful consideration, supported by the feedback from key stakeholders, which has included our College Leadership Team, Teaching Staff, Year 7 to 10 Students, and School Advisory Council, a decision has been made to move to a 4 x 70-minute period day in 2023. This refinement in our timetable is further supported by the changes implemented at CRC Sydenham, which will also be adopting a similar timetable structure for next year.

Our recently elected 2023 College Captain Zalaika F and Deputy College Captain Alyssa D will explain some of the reasons for the change and some possible timetable options in the '2023 Student Timetable Options Video' below:

2023 Student Timetable Options

We thank parents who completed the feedback survey which was sent out earlier this week. More information regarding the final version of the 2023 timetable structure will be outlined in detail in the next edition of the newsletter.

Thank you for your on-going support.

Staff Curriculum Planning Day - Friday 25 November

Please note that due to a change to the timetable structure for 2023, there will be a teacher curriculum writing day on Friday 25 November. This will therefore be a student free day. More information regarding the 2023 timetable structure and the reasons for the changes will be outlined in detail in the next edition of the newsletter. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Important Dates

A reminder of the following upcoming and end of year events:

· Monday 14 November to Tuesday 23 November - Year 9 and 10 Exam Week

· Monday 28 November to Tuesday 29 November – Year 8 Exams

· Thursday 24 November at 7:00pm - Year 10 Graduation Mass, College Hall (Year 10 students and parents)

· Thursday 24 November – Year 10 final day

· Monday 5 December at 7:00pm - Year 7-10 Presentation Evening, A Celebration of Excellence, PAC (Year 7-10 award winners and parents)

· Tuesday 6 December at 9:00am - Year 7-9 End of Year Celebration Mass (parents welcome)

· Tuesday 6 December - Year 7-9 final day 12:30pm finish

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