By Mr David Sammut Year 8 Level Leader

Dear Students and Parent/Carer,  

One of the most fulfilling yet time-intensive roles we have is to serve as mediators for those who require our assistance. While we are glad to offer support to our students in need, we often find ourselves emphasising the importance of the fundamental value of forgiveness in order to equip our students with the tools they need to solve these issues themselves and become more resilient in the process.   

Forgiveness is an important but often overlooked value. In this article I would like to share with you why forgiveness and letting go are important at school and how we can cultivate it in ourselves and others.   

Forgiveness and letting go are important for students because they help them build and maintain positive relationships with others. At school, our students interact with a diverse range of people, from classmates and teachers to administrators and staff. Sometimes, these interactions can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, or hurt feelings. Without forgiveness and letting go, these negative experiences can accumulate and erode the trust, respect, and empathy that are essential for a healthy and supportive school community. By forgiving others and letting go of grudges and resentments, we can restore and strengthen our relationships, and create a more positive and inclusive school environment.   

Forgiveness is important because it helps students learn and grow from their mistakes and failures. In a school setting, they are constantly challenged to learn new things, take risks, and face obstacles. Sometimes, these challenges can be frustrating, discouraging, or overwhelming, and they may feel tempted to blame themselves and often, others for their shortcomings. Without forgiveness and letting go, these negative feelings can undermine their confidence, motivation, and resilience, and prevent them from learning from their mistakes.    

So, how can we cultivate forgiveness and letting go at school?    

Practice empathy and perspective-taking: Encourage your children to see things from the other person's point of view and understand their motivations and feelings. This can help them appreciate their strengths and weaknesses and avoid taking their behaviour personally.   

Communicate assertively and respectfully: Express their own thoughts and feelings in a clear, honest, and respectful way, and listen actively and attentively to others. This can help them clarify misunderstandings, resolve conflicts, and build trust and rapport.   

Use positive self-talk and affirmations: Encourage themselves with positive self-talk and affirmations, such as "I am capable of forgiveness and growth," "I can choose to let go of the past and focus on the present," and "I can learn from my mistakes and improve over time." This can help you cultivate self-compassion and self-esteem and develop a more positive and resilient mindset.   

Seek support and guidance: Reach out to trusted adults, such as teachers, counsellors, parents or guardians for support and guidance when they face challenging situations or emotions. This can help them gain perspective, learn new coping skills, and feel more connected and supported.   

Forgiveness and letting go are essential values and skills that can help us build and maintain positive relationships, learn and grow from our mistakes and failures, and create a more positive and inclusive school community. By practicing these skills, we can cultivate forgiveness and letting go in ourselves and others and make our school a better place for everyone.   

We wish all our families a very Happy Easter as we prepare for the most important day of the church calendar. There is probably no better way to end this article than to remind everyone that Jesus’ death on the cross provided a way for humans to receive FORGIVNESS of sin and be restored to a full relationship with God.  Let us forgive each other and be restored to a full relationship with each other and God. 

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