Term 2 Assembly College Captain Speech
It gives me great pleasure to be standing here, once more addressing our College community. I would like to begin by commending you all on your achievements, hard work and successes this term. In my first, inaugural speech I encouraged you to contemplate upon how you will write the pages of your story this year, what memories you will fill your chapter with, the accomplishments that you will achieve through belief in yourself and hard work and opportunities that you will have seized. I encourage you now to reflect upon this and remember that you and only you get to decide how your story is written, so what will you continue to fill your pages with?
I encourage you all, to create goals for this term, goals that motivate and inspire you, to work towards something you are passionate about and goals that align with your strengths and values. Consistently working on our goals leads to the power of positive momentum, set your goals and be patient and persevere in achieving them.
Believing in yourself and your abilities is the key to achieving your successes, because you are capable of achieving great things once you believe and have faith. We are all unique and possess our own strengths and God given talents, so don’t waste your abilities trying to be someone you’re not, be the best version of you and embrace it.
Always, remember that each person is made in the image and likeness of God, this is the essence of being a human and because of that we are called to respect and honour all human life, irrespective of our differences. God has given us a unique human dignity that calls us to live in communion with Him and with our brothers and sisters. Our College motto teaches us to “Act Justly” this is about standing up for the inalienable rights of others to give one another what is their due, that being respect, love and dignity.
The choices we make, the things we say and the things we do have an impact on ourselves and the people around us. Our decisions help shape to identify who we are to ourselves and to other people. Our words and actions have meaning and power, always make the conscious effort to make the right decision and learn from the times when we have failed to do so.
Continue to seize any opportunities that come your way, when an opportunity presents have the courage to not let fear stop you. Our College provides us with many opportunities to succeed and thrive, so embrace these opportunities, and embrace the journey of stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new.
As you endeavour on your journey, we should always challenge ourselves to become a better person, a better student and a better friend. Achieving success will mean something different to each person, it is about reaching for the highest that is in us, success is a personal standard that you can define. Through hard work, sacrifice and perseverance you will achieve success. I quote “success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.”
Finally, be kind, be grateful, have faith and take the time to appreciate all the little miracles in your life. I leave you with this, and I quote “The potential for greatness lies within each of us.”
Thank you, and may God bless you always.