By Paul Sammut

One of the challenges during this period is to try and avoid the danger of becoming bitter towards others, which overtime can separate us from God.

On the Angelus last Sunday, Pope Francis prayed that the Blessed Virgin Mary might “help us to understand and imitate the patience of God, who wants none of His children to be lost, whom He loves with the love of a Father”.

Referring to Sunday’s Gospel of the Parable of the Wheat and Weeds (Matthew 13:24-43) Pope Francis stated that it presents two ways of acting and living. Pope Francis warned against “those who are always hunting for the limitations and defects of others”. Instead, it is “those who know how to recognise the good that silently grows in the field of the Church and history, cultivating it to maturity,” who are able to collaborate in the vision of God. He warned about people who try to divide a peaceful family or community and who may “fall into the temptation of gossip to destroy others.”

Let us take up the words of St Teresa of Avila: “Look for Christ Our Lord in everyone and you will then have respect and reverence for all”.

Virtual Rosary & Family Prayer

During Term 2 students and staff gathered to pray a decade of the rosary every day to honour our Mother Mary during the month of May. The students embraced the opportunity to pray and this was continued on our return to onsite learning during our lunchtimes. We will be continuing to pray for our College community with a decade every day from 12:45-12:55pm during Term 3. It would be great for students to pray with us during this time.

Also, below are some great resources to support students and their families in nurturing their prayer life in the home. I highly encourage you to access these resources.

Faith and Spirituality in the home 

Prayer in the Family home

Sunday Gospel Focus

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A - Matthew 13:44-42

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