By Mr David Sammut Year 8 Level Leader

Throughout term 1, our Year 8 Materials Technology students have been preparing to utilise our newly acquired laser cutter.

For the first time in our college’s history, our students were given the opportunity to use industry-standard software and manufacturing equipment to create products that any shopkeeper would be pleased to sell in their stores.

Adobe Illustrator is a widely used graphic design tool in the design industry that enables our students to create high-quality, vector-based images that can be scaled, exported, and manufactured in various ways.

The students were tasked with researching, designing, and producing a laser-cut keyring or earrings that they would like to purchase from a shop. The results were astounding, with many students going above and beyond to create highly detailed and aesthetically pleasing products. This week, students will be using the laser cutter for the first time to cut out their designs, and we are thrilled to showcase our newfound skills and knowledge to the college and school community.

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