By Ms Elise Nowak Learning and Teaching Leader Data Analysis

Interim Reports Term 1 2021

Interim reports will be made available to parents/carers after 4:30pm on Thursday 1 April via SEQTA Engage. The report will provide a summary of progress made during the first 9 weeks of Term 1.

The work habits each student has been graded upon are described in greater detail for you below:

Demonstrates academic improvement

Please note, for the Pastoral Care report, the work habit "Demonstrates academic improvement" should be interpreted as "Demonstrates personal growth".

Applies effort

  • Attempts all tasks
  • Maintains attention in class
  • Participates in class
  • Cooperates and collaborates in class

Manages personal learning

  • Brings correct materials to class
  • Organisation
  • Satisfactory completion of set homework, in a timely manner
  • Seeks teacher support as required

Demonstrates appropriate behaviour

  • Punctuality
  • Works respectfully with peers and teachers

If you have any questions regarding your child’s report, please contact their subject teacher to discuss further.

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