The art of vector design may seem daunting at first, but for our Year 8 students stepping into the Materials Tech classroom, it's a new and exciting journey into the world of design principles.

This term, our Year 8s embarked on an adventurous design journey filled with learning experiences and triumphs. Adobe Illustrator, the industry standard design tool utilised by graphic, motion, and product designers worldwide, became their creative playground. While many encounter Illustrator in higher education, our Year 8s had the unique opportunity to dive into this design environment early on as they prepared to craft keychains or earrings using our state of the art college laser cutter.

I'm thrilled to showcase some of the remarkable artwork our students have created within Illustrator. Beginning with a universally recognizable object like a tree and basic Illustrator tools, they progressed through scaffolded tasks, introducing new tools and concepts along the way. In just a short three-week period, our students have produced work that fills me with immense pride, which you can explore below and appreciate for yourself. Additionally, I've included pieces from two of our current Year 9 students, Ava Condello and Andre Tomassi, who continued to push their artistic boundaries even after their formal study in Adobe Illustrator concluded.

It's important to note that all the artwork featured here is original student work. While they may have drawn inspiration from reference materials, every shape, combination, or stroke of the pen tool is a testament to their own creativity and initiative. Take a moment to enjoy and admire the talents of these skilled young artists.

David Sammut
Materials Technology Teacher

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