By Ms Helen Beynon Learning Area Leader - Health and Physical Education

The Health and Physical Education team extends a warm welcome back to all students and families within our College, and a very special welcome to newcomers. We are very excited to be commencing a new year, getting to know our students, and working together as we implement our Health and Physical Education program.

As you will be aware, students are required to wear their Physical Education uniform on the days they have Physical Education classes, Premier League, or when participating in sports training. Your support is greatly appreciated with the correct wearing of the PE uniform and runners on these days, so please familiarize yourself with when these days occur for your child. To clarify any questions relating to the correct footwear, please refer to the details below for your reference. A water bottle is also recommended, along with the wearing of the College hat. Sunscreen is available at school. However, students are encouraged to apply sunscreen every morning before school, as part of their normal routine and commitment to being SunSmart.

We hope the teaching and learning experiences we begin here at the College relating to Health and Physical Education are continued at home and look forward to your support in this area. With many of our lifestyle diseases preventable through positive lifestyle behaviours, we encourage you all to make healthy choices, beginning with:

  1. Eating balanced, nutritious meals
  2. Exercising regularly
  3. Being SunSmart


It is vital when taking part in physical activity that safe and supportive footwear is worn.

To be deemed as appropriate footwear for physical activity during Physical Education classes, Premier League and Sports Carnivals, shoes must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a supportive sole that does not bend or twist
  • Have a supportive heel that cannot be pressed in or down
  • Be sturdy, arched, outdoor sports runners
  • Shoes must have laces and be done up during activity

Some examples of what is deemed inappropriate and unacceptable:

  • Flat-soled, runner-type, casual, street or skate shoes
  • Indoor sport shoes, futsal shoes and flat-soled sport/casual footwear

Some examples of what is deemed appropriate and acceptable:

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