By Ms Helen Beynon Learning Area Leader Health and Physical Education

Expressive movement and dance, mini-golf and bush walking are just some of the activities that students have immersed themselves in during Physical Education last semester. It’s always wonderful to see our students challenge themselves as they try new things, step out of their comfort zone, and importantly, have fun together as they connect through engaging in physical activity. Enjoy a snapshot of some of our students in action!

During Health, our wonderful Year 7 students explored key messages relating to SunSmart, positive mental health, promoting the importance of inclusiveness in sport and achieving the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Here’s a glimpse of our talented student’s work and their insightful presentations.

SunSmart – Reyna

Smiling mind PowerPoint – Mia

Positive Mental Health Video – Jacob

Comic Life physical activity task – Amelie

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