By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

Feast of the Assumption of Mary - Placing our trust in God

Last Sunday we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. The Assumption commemorates Mary being assumed into heaven, body and soul. Sometimes we forget that Mary was as much of a human as we are. She had a heart like ours and experienced suffering and tears just as we do. Mary is our model and proof that if we open our hearts fully and place our trust in God, we too can experience the joy of heaven.

With the Coronavirus being so close to our community, it is more important than ever to take time for prayer, contemplation and to look out for those who are most vulnerable. Last year Pope Francis on a Sunday called for all Christians to respond to the Coronavirus pandemic, “with the universality of prayer, of compassion, of tenderness”, adding, “Let us remain united. Let us make our closeness felt toward those persons who are the most lonely and tried”.

As a Catholic community let us give our distresses to the Lord and remember the power of His loving embrace just as Mary did. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13)

I invite all families and their children to access the following resource Faith and Spirituality in the home, which may be of assistance to your personal and family prayer life.

National Vocations Awareness Week

During National Vocations Awareness Week, we held a vocations workshop and or usual ‘Ask A Priest’ session. The workshop was an opportunity for our students to begin to discern about who God is calling them to be through discussion, hearing about people’s vocation stories and creating a plan of discernment for their life. Fr Marcus Goulding (Assistant Priest St Bernard’s, Bacchus March) joined us for our ‘Ask A Priest’ session. Fr Marcus responded to many questions about the faith from the students that attended and shared his own personal story that led him to the priesthood.

“Joining the ‘Vocations Workshop’ and ‘Ask A Priest Session’ gave me a better vision of myself and a better understanding of what I am going to do in the future.” Ryan Vella 9CO

Gospel Reflection


John 6:60-69

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