By Mr Paul Sammut Head of Faith & Mission

St Mary of the Cross Mackillop

O God, source of all goodness,
who have shown us in Saint Mary
a woman of faith living by the power of the Cross,
teach us, we pray, by her example
to live the Gospel in changing times
and to respect and defend
the human dignity of all in our land.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

From the Collect of the Mass for Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross Mackillop

Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross Mackillop

This Sunday we celebrate the Feast of St Mary of the Cross Mackillop, Australia’s first and only Saint. The Gospel of the Solemnity comes from the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus tells His disciples not to worry about the needs of everyday life but to ‘set your hearts on His kingdom first, and on God’s saving justice, and all these other things will be given to you as well.’ We find it so hard not to worry and be anxious about various things in our lives, it seems so easy to just say ‘don’t worry’ but so hard to implement. However, Jesus is reminding us that we are not God and cannot control every aspect of our life we need to surrender to God’s providence.

St Mary of the Cross Mackillop is a wonderful example of trusting in the providence of God. In 1871 St Mary Mackillop was wrongly excommunicated by Bishop Sheil from the Catholic Church (excommunication was later revoked). I am sure that the moment of her excommunication would have brought much angst and worry to Mary. However, she kept on bringing the love of Christ to the poor and marginalised in the streets of Melbourne. In reading her letters that we are so fortunate to have St Mary Mackillop says, “Do all you can with the means at your disposal and calmly leave the rest to God.” (1891) What a beautiful reminder of the trust in God providence.

How wonderful is it to know that we have our own saintly woman praying for us in heaven? St Mary of the Cross Mackillop, Pray for Us!

National Vocations Awareness Week

Each year in August the Church in Australia encourages the faithful to pray for the renewal and strengthening of vocations and to assist young people in discerning where God may be calling to. This week our College community celebrated National Vocations Awareness Week by having adoration and confessions in the Church, vocations workshop and our regular ‘Ask the Priest’ session. Our Year 10 students also had the opportunity to listen to priests and religious to be open to discerning God’s call to the priesthood or religious life.

“I really enjoyed it as it was relaxing and calming. It was really good being able to talk to God and say whatever I wanted. It's a really good way to strengthen your relationship with God”

  • Mason Cini (8 Barak)

“I enjoyed going to Adoration as it gives me an opportunity to have a break from my school day to see and talk to Jesus face to face. After adoration, I always feel calm, refreshed and ready for anything.”

  • Stacey Culas (8 Murphy Wandin)

8:00am Mass

A reminder that weekly Friday 8:00am Mass (8:00am-8:25am) is on every Friday in Term 3 (unless otherwise advised) at St Catherine of Siena Parish Church located on College grounds.

All students and their families are welcome to attend. It is a wonderful opportunity to begin the day in contemplation and prayer, listening to the word of God and receiving Jesus in the Eucharist. Students are also encouraged to sign up via SEQTA to minister as a reader at Mass.


Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross Mackillop

Mt 6:25-34

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