By Ms Katie Murray-Fawcett Deputy Principal Wellbeing

Headphones are a great resource within our classrooms, and are featured on our booklist for all students.

As a College, we have updated our Mobile Phone Policy to include our expectations around students bringing AirPods to school. The updates include:

  • The use of AirPods on school property are banned
  • They are a valuable item that can be easily lost or stolen
  • They also create Occupational Health and Safety risks when used in the schoolyard at recess and lunch
  • If a student is caught with AirPods in class, on the schoolyard, at a College event or excursion, they will be confiscated
  • Confiscated AirPods will need to be collected by parents/carers once reception has notified families

It is expected that all students will have ‘over the ear’ headphones that are visible to staff in class and can only be used when instructed by a class teacher. Hopefully the holidays will provide families time to update their child’s headphones in line with the College policy.

We thank our families in supporting this expectation with our students.

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