By Ms Matilda Mattar Learning Leader: Social Justice and Service

The CatholicCare Carry a Can initiative, organised by the CRCCS’ social justice group, on the 12 October, exemplifies the true spirit of community and generosity. Instead of the usual gold coin donation on casual clothes day, students were encouraged to contribute a can of food, forming a collective effort to make a meaningful difference. The response from the community was heart-warming, with an outpouring of donations that went far beyond expectations, filling boxes to the brim with essential goods. These items, donated by thoughtful students and community members, will be distributed to families in need, ensuring that they have enough during the Christmas festive season.

This initiative not only showcases the power of unity but also highlights the importance of empathy and solidarity, making Christmas a special and joyous occasion for families who might otherwise struggle. Through acts of kindness like these, the community demonstrates the remarkable impact that small gestures of compassion can have on the lives of others.

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