Fighting cancer is a cause close to many of our hearts. 27 May 2021 is the official date set by the Australian Cancer Council, whereby willing participants are invited to jump on board with Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea.
CRCCS’ Staff Association got working on making this fundraising event a remarkable one. Starting with the Daffodil display, where staff were provided with an opportunity to remember their loved ones impacted by cancer. Moving closer to the day, staff were encouraged to bring their favourite teacups along, while enjoying a colourful spread full of yummies.
As always, we started to think of a creative way to get the students involved and aware of the fundraiser. After discussion with the Year 10 Food Technology class, it was decided that they would prepare some delights to sell at lunchtime in the form of a bake sale. It’s never easy getting students to prepare items that must remain in the kitchen, so a great deal of quality control (taste testing) took place, which was all part of the fun. Prior to whipping up a storm, the students were reminded of the cause behind the work they were about to embark on. It was comforting to see that these young adults fully understood the heart ache and pain that comes with cancer, as well as the glimpse of excitement sparked when doing something worthwhile to support the event. The Social Justice team took on the responsibility of running the sales on the day, while the Year 10’s stood around promoting the specific treats that they had prepared.
All in all, our College community was able to raise a total of $1237.10 ($350 thanks to the bake sale). Well done to the Staff Association, Year 10 Food Technology students, Social Justice team and to all who contributed to this wonderful cause.
God bless all your efforts!