We are very excited at Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs to continue Beyond the Horizon in Term 3 2022. This is a group for the thinkers, questioners, philosophers, theologians and dreamers to discover the deepest Mysteries of life, to discover the supernatural, which we find Beyond the Horizon.
Day: Every second Thursday beginning Week 2 of Term 3 - 21 July 2022
Time: 3:15pm - 4:00pm.
This is an optional event and you can attend as many sessions as you would like.
What can you expect if you sign up to come to Beyond the Horizon?
o You can expect to see beauty in film and art
o You can expect to go deep and meaningful with philosophy and theology
o You can expect to expand your knowledge of the world of science and history and theology.
o You can expect to ask your burning questions and discover answers
o You can expect to learn the art of logic and debate
o You can expect to find real meaning in silence and prayer
o You can expect to be inspired by true stories beyond your imagination
This is for anyone regardless of your grades at school, regardless of what your beliefs are right now. This is for you who are looking for the Truth.
Please contact Mr Paul Sammut psammut@crccs.vic.edu.au for any questions or concerns.