By Ms Linda Bracco Cultural Immersion Leader

Dear Parents/Carers,

Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs is excited to be hosting Italian exchange students from our Sister School Liceo Scientifico Livio Cambi, Falconara Italy in February 2023 for 1 week. These students are aged between 14-15 years old and are fluent in English.

As a College, we are now looking for suitable families keen to host an Italian exchange student during this time. It is an enriching opportunity to interact with a student from another culture and welcome them into your family.

Please see a few important points below:

  • all Italian exchange students are triple vaccinated against COVID-19
  • host students can be from Year 7, 8, 9 or 10
  • host families can take up to two students
  • all Italian exchange students will take part in classes, incursions and excursions organised by the College
  • host students can opt into incursions and excursions during that week

If you are interested, please complete the form below for more information.

Italy Hosting Form 2023

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