Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs has recently updated our College Course Handbooks and Assessment Calendars in line with the new five 60-minute period timetable structure in 2022. There has also been the addition of new subjects to our Curriculum Program across Years 7, 8, 9 and 10.
The College is excited to provide you with a summary of the new subject options for students:
- in Year 7, all students will now participate in a year-long STEM subject
- in Year 8, students have increased choice of elective subjects, with STEM: Aviation and Digital Technology added to the elective program
- in Year 9, Creative Writing has been added as an elective subject option
- in Year 10, students may now select from one of three English subject options:
- Foundation English
- English
- Advanced English
- additionally, History now has two options for students to select from:
- History: WWII
- History: Civil Rights Movement
- finally, Music: Sound Production has been added to as an elective subject option.
The Course Guides can be found on the College website, in the ‘Learning & Teaching’ tab, under ‘Curriculum at a Glance’, but have also been included below for your perusal.
Parents/carers who have any questions about our Course Guides are welcome to contact a member of the College's Learning & Teaching team.