“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)

Social Justice and fundraising are opportunities for the community to show our concern and solidarity for justice in our world. It allows our community to act in the ministry of charity through the example of Christ.

As an ecclesial community, the Catholic school is committed to promoting the Kingdom of God, bringing it to life through its action for justice and peace both locally and globally

Horizons of Hope

Catholic Regional College – Caroline Springs embraces the motto Live fully, Act Justly, which encapsulates the Christian gospel teachings while promoting a community that is just and values the sanctity of human life. Guided by this motto the College inspires students to embark on a faith filled journey while making a difference in the world around them. Our college environment provides awareness of personal, local and global issues pertaining to social justice, through ‘faith in action’. James 2:17 faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, it’s dead. It is through believing that we can make a difference, that our faith is put to play.

The Social Justice Team is made up of enthusiastic, vibrant and warm-hearted individuals who are committed to working in partnership with organisations in hope of strengthening relationships with the community.

There is a myriad of initiatives facilitated under the Social Justice Team, aimed at identifying the needs of the community and working on achieving positive outcomes. Social Justice and fundraising are opportunities for the College community to show our concern and solidarity for justice in our world. It allows our community to act in the ministry of charity through the example of Christ. Key principles of Catholic Social Teaching underpin our mission and vision of the church and guide discernment, in turn building disciples of Christ. All this is done with our College Pillars at the forefront of our hearts and minds – Prayer, Compassion, Stewardship and Learning.

Each year Catholic Regional College Caroline Springs organises and supports:
• Project Compassion
• Winter Appeal
• Christmas Hamper Appeal
• Paradise For Kids – Care Packs
• Caritas
• Uganda Project